Hello. First of all, I want to express my admiration for the work you have done. This is great software!

I am just starting to learn Lemmy and apologize for the fact that my questions can be a little silly. I managed to put this on a personal computer (win) in a few minutes and on a site under Ubuntu using Docker.

In the local version, I can easily change files, reassemble them and do what I want. It really is not difficult.

But as for the instance under Docker, there are a few questions.

Are there methods where I could override templates for example. Without making a fork from the main repository. Can I use my components somehow?

For example, I decided to change the css, you can go to the docker, but this is until the next container rebuild. Or for example, I want to add something to the templates of the post itself, or maybe change it there.

Where can I read about it. The documentation is rather stingy. Thank.