No friends or anything. No partner either. What do?

  • DankZedong
    2 years ago

    What you do is that you go on. It’s okay to feel shitty from time to time. It’s a bit of a cliche but life is out there waiting for you.

    I used to be depressed, addicted and a criminal really. At my lowest points I wanted to stop living. Many times I contemplated suicide. If you’d tell my then that my life would get better, I wouldn’t believe you. I just didn’t see myself getting better in any situation. That’s how deep it was.

    But things got better. I got out of an abusive relationship. I got out of a toxic environment. I was on my own for a while, discovering what I wanted out of life. I still don’t completely know, it changes from time to time. But I have found some passions that stayed with me (communism, music, art, nature for example).

    But it took going out of my comfort zone for me to learn what I like and don;t like. Join an art club. Join a local game club. Go hiking on your own. Go to a bar on your own. Go to a festival. Read books. Watch shows, watch movies. Look if there’s people to date, even if it’s one date or a short fling. Make online friends. Adopt a pet. Work out. Take cooking classes. Do what YOU want. Do what YOU find interesting. Meeting people will follow.

    Life never is a constant stream of happiness. Sometimes you will feel shit, sometimes you will feel really happy, sometimes you will feel bored or neutral. But there’s always things to do, things to learn, people to meet etc. And to be more selfish, we also need you in the revolution mate.