No friends or anything. No partner either. What do?

    2 years ago

    Learn in terms of what, exercise or theory? I think Jeff Nippard is a pretty good source for motivated beginner and intermediate lifters!

    I recently bought Climate Solutions Beyond Capitalism by Tina Landis, Liberation School and Theory and Practice for Socialist Organizers edited by Nino Brown, Liberation School. Anything by Lenin. Marxism versus Liberalism was a pretty cool interview with Stalin. Origins of Family, Private Property and the State is a long, but rewarding listen (i lazily use the audiobook, haven’t finished though).

    I wanna learn spanish, but i’ve been pretty lazy about it, too. What’re you trying to learn? I think even a few words/ sentences a day is better than nothing :)

    Also, I think Gabor Mate has some pretty insightful interviews and books. That being said, i think it helps to recognize what you can do to improve your life, and what just sucks because of structural issues with the world.

    • ZeroGravityOP
      2 years ago

      German, japanese and spanish. Also trying to learn html just for the sake of it.

      Learn as in improve oneself. I’ve always been interested in learning but hard to spare resources be it money, time, motivation.

        2 years ago

        That’s pretty cool! Maybe try focusing on one at a time would be a bit easier? Learning a language past the age of being a kid can be a pretty hard feat to accomplish, so trying to pick up multiple might be a bit hard perhaps. That’s a cool skill to have! I remember I had an assignment for a math class where I had to create a dinky JavaScript game.

        Money and time are especially hard ones. I think you can at least start with basic stuff, eating good, getting proper sleep, cleaning around the space you have, etc. It’s certainly can be so heavy at times, but all worth it.

      2 years ago

      Just here to say that both of those PSL books are excellent resources. I just finished Theory and Practice for Socialist Organizers last week and it gave me a much more comprehensive understanding or Marxist inquiry and presentation, which has been suuuper helpful in my reading of Capital. I highly recommend PSL literature in general.

      My limited advice to OP: if you have any organizations nearby, maybe go to some meetings or rallies? You don’t have to do so with the explicit purpose of wanting to be an organizer (I know it’s not possible for everyone), just go to interact with others. I was pretty alienated from everyone for a while (ever since 2020 really) and I started going to DSA organized mutual aid, rallies, psl meetups, etc. and it really helped to build back my social skills and overall has helped my mental well-being.