• @HenriVolney@sh.itjust.works
    1110 months ago

    WTF it seems Zelenski needs to do some cleaning in Ukraine’s upper management, not only to get rid of corruption, but also to fight racism.

  • acargitz
    1010 months ago

    The fact that Russia is run by genocidal fascist ultranationalists that have set Europe on fire does not negate the existence of shitty Ukrainians (after all every country has fascist shit heads, why would Ukraine be different?). That they have managed to infiltrate the government and get cozy and comfortable enough to spout their own genocidal shit in public is a symptom of the brutalization of war. Hope Zelensky kicks some fascist butt here.

    • @TheAnonymouseJokerOP
      -1510 months ago

      The fact that Ukraine is run by projecting genocidal fascist NATO ultranationalists that have set themselves on fire via sanctioning Russia negates your bullshit claims. (Every country does not have fascist shit heads in the same capacity, which is why Ukraine is different.) That USA in 2014 managed to infiltrate the government and get cozy and comfortable enough to spout their own genocidal shit in public is a symptom of the brutalization of genocidal NATO empire. Hope Putin kicks some fascist Anglo white butt.

  • @ninjan@lemmy.mildgrim.com
    1010 months ago

    Really trying to prove the Russians right about the faux Nazi allegations? He needs to be dismissed post haste. Pure ammunition for Putin.

    • @TheAnonymouseJokerOP
      -1010 months ago

      They are not allegations. Ukrainian health ministry last year called Russian POWs cockroaches, which is a very similar tactic as Heinrich Himmler calling Jews “lice”.

      • Nepenthe
        10 months ago

        Ukranians threaten to castrate russian POWs. Russians castrate Ukranian POWs. Now both sides are even and they can turn right around and invade their own country again, instead of thinking they own someone else’s.

        Where your own post is concerned, I’m going to have to take an undisclosed amount of time to think about whether I’m going to take seriously a story that seems invariably to hail only from Russian news sources when it says mean things about the country Russia is loudly invading.

        • @TheAnonymouseJokerOP
          10 months ago

          I am not going to believe a Murdoch owned news outlet about Russia/China bad stories. I am not going to take undisclosed amount of time, I am discarding you straight up since you cannot even avoid citing disgusting media outlets. Thanks, have a good day.

  • @gagewhylds@lemmy.ca
    210 months ago

    Love how literally nothing exists of this publication online. Your account is pretty suspect too. Enjoy living under Putin’s boot!

    • rastilin
      110 months ago

      Not only that, but I don’t think the Russians really understand western thinking at this point. Even if they get everyone to believe these allegations, so what? It doesn’t change that Russia started the war, or the killing they’ve been doing in captured territory.

      “The Ukranians said bad things about Russians”. Of course they did, the Russians are literally trying to kill them.

      • @TheAnonymouseJokerOP
        -410 months ago

        Too bad Heinrich Himmler also just said some bad things about Jews. It does not matter, Asians are just different in humanity from Ukrainian Nazis, according to this fascist fuck whose head should be sliced like onions.

        Ukraine has committed a genocide of over 14,000 people, most of whom were ethnic Russians. Russia is subjugating military and infrastructure of Ukraine, not killing regular citizens like USA did in Iraq and numerous other places.

        • Zeusbottom
          -210 months ago

          “whose head should be sliced like onions” That is the most Slavic thing I’ve ever read.

          You’re deluded. Russia is robbing Ukraine of land and people, full stop. They are kidnapping citizens and taking land from a country that is trying its damndest to be a democracy. Ukraine look to the West for their future and Putin cannot abide that.

          Putin wants the Soviet Union back together; he wants that to be his legacy. He took Crimea with barely a shot fired and now he wants more. This is similar to what Hitler did, by the way: Austria, Sudetenland, then Poland.

          Putin suppresses his political enemies in the old Russian way, by jailing them. Hitler suppressed his enemies by rounding them up and killing them or putting them in concentration camps.

          Fuck Putin. He is a scared, small man from the KGB who never let go of the Soviet dream, a dream that could never work.

          • @TheAnonymouseJokerOP
            10 months ago

            So this is what it means, when some people say Anglo whites live in a Matrix… alternate facts and history, like how alt right operates.

            I do hope Putin ends up building up Soviet again, and Putin sidelined so a competent communist can lead the true Soviet legacy once again. The East needs to destroy Anglo subjugation of the world going on since many centuries.

            • Zeusbottom
              -210 months ago

              “Competent communist” stop, I can’t breathe, I’m laughing so hard. GOSPLAN coming back with new production targets! This time, you won’t run out of toilet paper, honest! Line up for your daily browbeating at your factory job!

              Such a superb troll account. Thanks so much for the laugh!

              • @TheAnonymouseJokerOP
                -310 months ago

                Thanks for the chuckles, white Anglo. I knew you would be quick to take your mask off, to show that Anglo world domination attitude.

    • @TheAnonymouseJokerOP
      10 months ago

      Account with 3 years and 3000+ comments = suspect

      Account with 2 months and 9 comments = not suspect


      • @gagewhylds@lemmy.ca
        10 months ago

        Love your news website btw. Too bad it’s only ever posted one story and doesn’t exist beyond that.

        Maybe another 3 year you’ll stop having everything you say downvotes.