The good, the bad, the ugly, the bizarre.

  • Literally just woke up from a dream where this girl I had a crush on in middle school and I got together. Now I feel a weird mix of sad and motivated

    I’ve literally not thought about her for years, why does my brain have to do this to me 😭

  • Catraism-Stalinism
    92 years ago

    Mine always has something to do with large homework assignments due the next day that I didn’t know about. Then I wake up in relief.

    And then horror as I realize I have a large homework assignment that I have not finished due the next day

      • KiG V2OP
        22 years ago

        Yeah, mine finally wore off after 5 years out of school. I’m a master procrastinator but FUCK the stress I put on myself definitely was a debt I repaid in the dreamworld.

        Mine especially were about being late, late, late…

  • I’ve had one where Denis Prager kidnaped me and took me to this weird hotel, and then I was in this tube world thing platforming my way out. It started with him pulling up an anti-communist van. it said a bunch of “Comyanizm kills” and bullshit. I then vandalized it and he seemed like he thought I was hot because he chased me down this elevator in a park. (He wasn’t upset abut the van.) He then pretended to not be transphobic and brought me to the previously mentioned hotel.

    • KiG V2OP
      82 years ago

      Being courted by sex icon Dennis Prager 😳😳😳 he must like you a lot to shrug off the van 😂😂😂

    • KiG V2OP
      62 years ago

      Weirdly, I don’t think I’ve ever had a political dream, and rarely do I ever have a dream with real people I haven’t met before.

  • KiG V2OP
    82 years ago

    Tbh good dreams suck too cuz…like…you wake up. Lol.

  • KiG V2OP
    62 years ago

    I feel like I have crazy effed up dreams so much that I lose track. I used to actually dream a LOT more but I trained myself to recognize that I’m dreaming and instantly wake myself up. I also stopped sleeping on my back and make sure to shmoke a little dogshit every now and then (which can repress dreaming).

    There was about a month period after I really screwed myself up with a certain pizza topping where my dreams were VERY VERY BAD. Probably the worst a few weeks in:

    I woke up (not really, in the dream) in my bed and looked over to the door. I walked in. Only I was 7-8 feet tall, with obscenely gangly limbs and a bloated, melting-looking body. My face was stretched terribly long and was sunken and with deep wrinkles. I tried to scream but it’s like my lungs were full of concrete. I tried to hit me and I scrambled up towards me but it’s like my arms were airy noodles and I felt like I was shitfaced drunk and couldn’t balance. I managed to “squeeze out” of “my” grasp and then I flew/levitated down the street at high speed, like a bullet popping out of my bedroom window and hovering a foot above the grass and pavement which was pretty awesome ngl. I felt a distinctly bad presence was still pursuing me so I tried to hover a little higher to feel safer…but then I started falling up towards the sky uncontrollably, the ground getting tiny, me desperately trying to force myself back but also terrified of falling. Right before I got “sucked into heaven” I “woke up for real this time” (I was still dreaming! Again!) and was lying in bed. I rolled over and looked at my gf, and saw the back of her head. I felt that…nauseatingly evil presence again…looked around for a second, nothing. I look back at my gf, and she’s rotated 180 degrees when I wasn’t looking and was staring at me. With bright, absurdly wide eyes, and a sinister smile. Her mouth split open as if she was laughing hysterically but no sound came out, the air was thick like concrete again…until it was pierced by a horrible high pitched tinnitus-esque sound, which flooded the room, and seemed to foreshadow something EVEN WORSE…and then, mercifully, I woke up, for real for real this time.


  • Commissar of Antifa
    62 years ago

    I once had a dream I was at a concert and they were singing “Широка страна моя родная.”

    • KiG V2OP
      32 years ago

      Damn. Was that hard when you woke up?

      Yeah, vivid dreams are crazy. My most vivid dream took place in a restaurant I worked (themed a little differently), getting in a boiling argument with customers that were making fun of me. Then I realized two of them were giving me “please help me” looks so I helped them steal some weird sci fi car the group had arrived in…very cool paint job (it was a muddy mauve that turned into glistening pink/purple digicamo when light hit it–the random things we remember when we dream lol). It was so vivid I was a little off balance mentally when I woke up, I was very confused.

        • KiG V2OP
          32 years ago

          Man, I went camping once for four days and let me just say KUDOS, I can’t imagine surviving a month 😅 definitely is a sort of…cleanse, I would say.

          And damn man. That’s definitely some lucid feelings right there.

            • KiG V2OP
              12 years ago

              Ours was a hiking one too! Thank goodness because yeah I can’t imagine us just staying in one clearing. They moved fast and I was exhausted but the views were awesome and being so exhausted helped falling asleep (I effing hate sleeping bags so bad)

      • Weirdly enough, ᵢ ₕₐᵥₑ ᵩᵤᵢₜₑ ₐ ᵦᵢₜ ₒ𝒻 ₕₒᵣₙᵧ 𝒹ᵣₑₐₘₛ 𝓌ₕₑₙ ᵢ 𝒹ₒₙ’ₜ ᵦₑₐₜ ₒ𝒻𝒻 𝒻ₒᵣ ₐ 𝒻ₑ𝓌 𝓌ₑₑₖₛ. Like sometimes 2 in one week. I do not stick my meat stick in wet cavernous hole often…😐

        Also yes! 😳 They kept a young idliketothinkimsmart phresh with drip when I was wee laddy. 🥵🥵

        • I don’t do malicious things such involving the word meat like at all. Like I’m not asexual but I may as well be.🤓

          Also Ross gang rise up

    • KiG V2OP
      22 years ago

      I want this meme hanging from my car mirror

  • I once dreamt that the US balkanized and the APSP managed to capture popular support and we had the settlers, colonizers, and their sympathizers on the back foot.