With UlyssesT out there touching grass, I haven’t seen this thread in a while. What in the past do you NOT miss? It could be very personal or just something everyone experienced but doesn’t anymore.
For me, I am so fucking happy the food scene in burgerland has changed since the 2000s. People seem to enjoy more well-seasoned foods and healthier options seem to outstrip the unhealthy slop I remember in the 2000s. Even my yee-yee ahh Ohio suburb has changed somewhat noticeably to support fresh ingredients. Less WASPslop is always good.
How about y’all?
Also the intersection of these two, these flash games with jumpscares that were all the rage for a while there in the mid 2000’s. Fucking hated that shit and it got to the point that I started telling people I had a heart condition to guilt trip them into not doing that kind of shit to me (I don’t, but I detest jumpscares with a passion)
Oh man, loved me some Exmortis though
I’m so glad I had enough insight to avoid the more awful animations/ games featuring characters from my childhood.
Some things were good like Final Fantasy A+, but a lot was weird fanfiction at best and really disturbing at worst.