I just noticed he was comparing chess to reality and not video games. Dude thinks tech trees exist irl. Lasers from space that never existed before are admitted in that very statement to not be part of reality.
Don’t forget the terrible takes that would come from the bazingaist of bazinga brains. Without the thousands of years of history of chess, these takes would be more popular.
And that’s why I play konkr.io a real game for real genius boys.
I played that for longer than I wanted to
You mean you wouldn’t play chess with a skill tree or fog of war?
Seriously I’d call it a dog-brained take, but that’s an insult to dogs.
Chess with fog of war is just stratego
There already is chess with fog of war. It’s a fun variant, just not the most popular one.
I love the bombs 💣 😍
TvT Starcraft be like
I just noticed he was comparing chess to reality and not video games. Dude thinks tech trees exist irl. Lasers from space that never existed before are admitted in that very statement to not be part of reality.
He’s been out of touch with reality since at least the end of Apartheid.
But I hadn’t noticed him mixing real life with videogames. Lmao what a dweeb.
Reality doesn’t have a tech tree 🫨
It could with a chip in your brain.
Don’t forget the terrible takes that would come from the bazingaist of bazinga brains. Without the thousands of years of history of chess, these takes would be more popular.