I remember at one point some movie review channel uploaded Star Wars Prequel reviews that were each 6 hours plus, can’t remember the name but youtube kinda rewards extreme amounts of filler.
I remember at one point some movie review channel uploaded Star Wars Prequel reviews that were each 6 hours plus, can’t remember the name but youtube kinda rewards extreme amounts of filler.
But have you considered coming back a hundred years later as a skeleton man/wolf and teaching some kid who looks a lot like you sword techniques?
chess with a skill tree or fog of war
TvT Starcraft be like
Agh that’s such bullshit. Hidden fees in all industries should be abolished, but especially in renting.
Just checking, you know that you’re moving in, right? They’re not trying to get you to pay an application fee and then ghost you? That was a pretty common scam last time I was house hunting.
Hope it works out well and they don’t jack up the price on you. That happened to my aunt when she tried to move to California - she’s been a nurse for like fifty years, lived here for one of them and then had to move back to the East Coast because they wanted to spike her rent (which is supposed to be illegal here but they had some kind of loophole).
Umm actually sweaty have you considered that communism has killed 100 million people?? chekmate
Entrepreneurship, so it’s pretty much what I was expecting so far
oh god she’s talking about drop shipping like it’s a brilliant and great idea
The way he talks about it there’s no way he doesn’t think that’s what that means.
Oh boy, my professor’s talking about entrepreneurs like Bill Gates and Elon Musk, I wonder if she’ll mention how much money they got from their parents
I forget who I first heard it from but the difference between communists and capitalists does kinda boil down to who we think the parasites are.
I’ve got like six greys in my beard. If I shave I go from Gen X to Zoomer swear to god.
Considering how many troops get dinged for trafficking drugs, I don’t think this conflict will happen. Or if it does, it will be a kind of limited hangout, with the military helping one cartel destroy another for appearances and nothing fundamentally changing.
I choose to believe that they upgraded the bot to deepseek and this is what happened.
Just reach your hand out your window at cruising speed and jiggle it, it’ll be fine.