when I was a broke student living in a studio apartment with no built-in I got me a countertop dishwasher that plugged into the sink with a quick-release hose and that was $200 well spent (got it secondhand, new ones can be a bit pricier)
I had it on a metal rack next to the sink because my countertop space was nonexistent lol. A lot of people put them on rolling racks so they can be moved elsewhere for storage
Man I miss having a dishwasher. Definitely a requirement for the next place I’m in.
when I was a broke student living in a studio apartment with no built-in I got me a countertop dishwasher that plugged into the sink with a quick-release hose and that was $200 well spent (got it secondhand, new ones can be a bit pricier)
I had it on a metal rack next to the sink because my countertop space was nonexistent lol. A lot of people put them on rolling racks so they can be moved elsewhere for storage