I have devoured several potat, with misc veg and bean toppings.
Nigh nigh
Yet another wave.
Also got into a barking contest apparently with an elderly St. Bernard doggo. This thing was huuge. They’re gentle giants but I lost that one had to yield.
I love the colours in that one.
Fucking youtube, I click on one or two wrong videos and suddenly its hater content again. “Why women ruined women by women” narrated by AI.
I actively go thru my watch history and purge things I think will negatively impact my algo.
I find the amount of hate on YT very disturbing. it takes a huge effort to watch only positive videos.
Today was a gloriously gross indulgent write-off (terrible for me eyes and body), but at least I did manage to make dinner and deal with the Doom Pile of Dishes. I tried eating rice with a fork to be silly and still found it incomprehensible so I googled “why do white people eat rice with a fork”. Apparently because it is just a starch to eat with other dry things you need a fork for: it is like a crumbly potato. Cool. Well, I’m still going to stick with a spoon anyway…
why do white people eat rice with a fork
You got Doom running on a pile of dishes? Show me how sensei.
Because I’m silly - how do you eat rice properly with chopsticks? I can use them and pick things up okay but doesn’t drier and crumbly (long grain) rice fall, or even if you get a clump isn’t it hard to pick up more than a little bit at a time?
I’m guessing picking up a mouthful of sticky short grain rice is easier, or when it’s mixed in with sauce and other food to bind it.
Most cultures that use long grained rice don’t use chopsticks, it’s either using their hands directly or a spoon (both are how I grew up eating rice and I dare say much of South and southeast asia). Ironically with sticky rice it’s harder with sauce as it tends to un-bind the rice.
To eat rice with chopsticks it needs to have been cooked to be eaten with chopsticks IMO. It’s more sticky and you gently grab a clump, place the clump in your mouth, then go for the main dish, then chew (or chew/swallow the rice bite first). Eating wet or dry single grains of rice with *chopsticks is not fun.
For ref at home we typically just use a spoon, and it has been ages since we’ve cooked rice to use chopsticks with but IIRC it’s always jasmine rice absorption method or sushi *rice when we’ve bothered to eat rice using chopsticks at home. Don’t quote me on any of that though.
I use a fork at home and don’t understand why it’s an issue. Italians and Spaniards eat rice with a fork.
It’s not easy with chopsticks.
Quite honestly if I’m faced with it I either get a spoon or if lacking I have to hold the bowl up to my mouth and sweep it in with the chopsticks.
The sun set.
Yes it did, we made it through the day and the giant bats have started flying overhead. 😊
I could not be arsed making dinner but I’m glad I did, even if it’s a late one. There’s nothing more comforting after a shitty day than a home cooked meal. Steak cooked to perfection 👌
Marge, I think you left the tap on
It done come out of nowhere too. Garden is loving it.
And already gone. That’s a dump
I’ve completed day three of three after-work outtings in a row. Tonight was Thai boat noodles and an old colleague I hadn’t seen in six months.
Strong recommend to give this a try if you ever find it!
We frown upon cannibalism.
Making me hungry!
Where is this, it looks amazing!
https://maps.app.goo.gl/p1s8aSj1LZHti5VF8 Plern Thai cafe/restaurant, hardware st in the city. Open for about six months, I’ve been about 4 times now, excellent stuff, good value
That looks incredible.
The broth is so so flavourful, and it has blood in it to give it a luxurious texture, and it’s loaded with goodies.
I do not know what I want for dinner. Sorely tempted to load a baked potato up to fuck and just eat that
microwave it
Potat is very nutritious. Go for it.
Do it. Easy is good. Maybe the world will look a smidge brighter after some food. Or you’ll have a bit more energy to burn everything down.
You ever have a day where you have action paralysis, struggle against the brick wall of zero motivation, waste time on rubbish, and then think fck it, I’ve wasted so much of the day anyway I don’t want to even try for the remainder of the day. It’s one of those.
Feels like every day at the moment TBH.
We call those ‘weekdays’.
That’s exactly it for me, I said I was going to do all these chores, 7 hours later barely budged. I just rolled with it after it became clear nothing was happening. Luckily I can get away with it now… pretty soon I won’t.
I’m right there with you
I hear rumbling. I’m not sure if it’s from the cricket I’m watching or there’s actually some thunder or something near me.
I love my local group even if is on FaceAche. Nabbed a free cat auto feeder. Might save our toes being chomped at stupid AM. Assuming they don’t figure out how to break into it at midnight…,
Today’s vintage vinyl LP is Voices of the South , the Wagner Chorale. An album of some spirituals and some folk. It’s all a cappella
it’s an interesting and good album
go down moses https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RO0f2_V0ZQE
sometimes i feel like a motherless child , can’t find a copy of album version so here is Paul Robeson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_ZRv1ZRP6s
Checking in from Quy Nhón
Its dreadful hehe
Looks absolutely awful. Next time you go somewhere this terrible let me know in advance as I’m calling dibs on the spot in your suitcase.
Geez you poor thing, you must be suffering
I’m sure you are suffering greatly. Take some medication for the pain.
I wonder how many people have pissed in that water?
Enjoy it anyway. 🍺
Oh, I am choking on the envy right now!
I’m so sorry.
Ooh nice!
Joke’s on you. It’s grey and cloudy here.
Way better than what you have!
Oh fuck me.
I tried to book some leave for after the moratorium - we’ve got a brief hold on leave requests for everyone because new stuff coming through the pipeline etc - and the new system to book it is a fucking nightmare.
I need a break and I can’t even organise one
Covid is still getting around. taps head
Work recently ‘upgraded’ to Xero for pay/timesheets/leave etc. Only public holidays don’t load properly. I have let management know just how I feel about that. Requesting leave actually works pretty good though.