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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Started off my holiday with an evisceratingly bad case of the runs on Sat am and I’m just coming a bit better. Not cool, body - not at my aunties where there’s a billion and one delicious goodies 😭 and I want to go on walks and everything and have energy… have been sleeping for long long hours. I need to just let myself thoroughly rest. Taken a while for my mind to uncoil itself

    My aunt has really slowed down a lot in the last 18 months though, physically and even mentally a bit. It’s a looming reminder that she won’t be around forever. I’ll feel rather lost when that happens.

  • A glass of wine would’ve been a great idea! Didn’t think of that.

    If the weather had been better I would’ve definitely taken Skybus but I figured I would rather buy myself some peace of mind after a very overwhelming week.

    Seems busy enough but not disgustingly so. I think a lot of the families with younger kids would’ve gone by now. Weather has caused some delays here and there. I’m ready to fall straight asleep once I board - hopefully soon… It’ll be 1:30am Melbourne time when we land so I’m taking all the sleep I can get

  • Whew… Finished up at 7pm, well past when I’d hoped to finish at 5pm, and there’s a couple of small outstanding but non urgent items. But I got through the worst of it - all the yucky stuff that made me renew my deep dislike for humanity and was very much due. Dobby is free!!!

    …From one job, at least - next two days are gonna be real candle burners as well with the huge backlog from work trip last week and my not being available the next two weeks. I love that place though, so I’m kind of looking forward to getting stuck into it to help the team out.

    48 hours to go before I’m on the way to the airport, yippee. For now, is dumplings time (swapped from lunch), and this week’s episodes of OMITB and Slow Horses :)

  • I recently learned about fasces too! Its a bundle of sticks and the iconography goes back centuries (to the Roman Empire at least). And some allegedly non fascist countries continue to use the fasces in official iconography - the wiki article has heaps of examples from the US.

    I went down this rabbit hole after watching some videos on the silly antics in the UK parliament including someone trying to walk off with the mace and learning the mace evolved from the fasces and why it’s a symbol of power.

    Unrelated but did you know until 1998 if you wanted to make a point of order in the House of Commons, you had to wear a top hat? (this was so you could be easily distinguished by the Speaker amongst any chaos. In fact, just before that clip the Speaker actually said “get the hat, I’ll hear him. Otherwise I can’t”, in an already thoroughly farcical debate on banning the use of French in Parliament as a response to the French trying to ban the use of English derived words in their Parliament… how did I get there, I think it was about learning that vestiges of Norman French still remain in the formal parliamentary process. From the 1400s!!! Okay, I’ve digressed significantly…)

  • I am infinitely grateful to be wfh on a gorgeous day like this, ngl. Blasting the music and regularly getting up from my chair when I’m bored/frustrated has been helpful. How are you going with the work? I’m making progress, bit spotty but I’m 30% of the way through the shitty reports. If I can get all the worst done by 2pm leaving just banal easy work for the rest of the day, I’ll be winning.

    Also what leftovers are these?! I love a good lunch that you can look forward to.