Now even my favourite content creators are now supporting Ukronazis! Am I just not allowed to enjoy anything anymore?! Can I go one day without some liberal imbeciles simping for Nazis?! I swear once, or if it’s ever declassified that Ukraine is full of Nazis, I will never ever let anyone who supported them live it down, I’ll constantly remind them “hey remember that time you supported literal genocidal, psychopathic, sadistic Nazis?” At least I have you comrades to help keep me grounded.

    2 years ago

    Im always getting hit with local stories about local imperialist dogs fucking shit up and there are too many libs saying “well we know hes a good person and has done so much good blah blah”

    Its absolutely baffling that people take the word of their overlords at face value. I cant tell if people around me are somehow too young, or maybe too caught up in civility to feel comfortable expressing something more than liberal bile or if they actually believe what they are telling people.