‘51st state’ they get exactly 2 senators for 40 million people gerrymander wet dream
this is basically the situation with California
they’d do it even better with canada, give em even less proportional house representation
California and Canada have the same population give or take ~1 million depending on who does the estimate/count
to be entirely accurate it’d make the entire house less proportional, simply as a consequence of the minimum-one per state and hard cap on the number of reps. 40 million extra population has to share the existing 435 seats, and that’s before you gerrymander it
It is honestly surreal to see a potential US annexation of Canada go from something I had added to my own future fiction project despite doubting that it could ever be anything but a fringe idea that practically screams “sloppy and unrealistic future fiction”, to it being an idea repeatedly and sincerely expressed by the fucking president-elect of the world’s most powerful country, in the span of just a few months.
…Welp, if I truly have become an oracle of the future, I guess I’ll just say that you should probably be studying Esperanto and Plains Indian Sign Language right about now, because those languages are gonna come in handy a lot sooner than you might expect.
Seriously Fallout was supposed to be a joke, not the basis of a presidential platform.
Bonvenon al Likotio, la Unio de la Ligoj de Komunejoj de Testuda Insulo. Ĉi tie, ĉiaj popoloj vivas feliĉe, libere, sane, kaj harmonie unu kun la alia, en la konstruado de socialismo kaj malkoloniigado, el Umingmak Nuna al la Floridaj Rifoj, el Unangam Tanangino al Takamkuko.
Why Canada has been defacto part of the us for a while. Its also full of natural resources, water and. The end of Canadian sovereignty was always a limited phenomon, I merely thought it would only happen once the Great Salt Lake and the Colorado river dry out.
I merely thought it would only happen once the Great Salt Lake and the Colorado river dry out
so next year
If we don’t take over Canada, someone else will!
Wait wait wait. We can suddenly have a voting block of 40 million people who all want to pass single payer? Hmmm
2 senators and 0 house reps.
Also there are a bunch of Canadian hogs who hate not being ripped off for healthcare.
Canada would actually be the most populous state apparently. Although if we go by the latest censuses (US 2020, Canada 2021), they’d still be behind California. They would get 44 house reps vs California’s 47.
I think the only sane way to do it is to keep Canada’s provinces each as a separate state. Imagine the meltdown people would have over the Quebecois senators lmao
If you speak french you arent really white
Well Québécois gets a pass but is definitely in the crakkker empire
The whole idea is insane in the first place, and Trump at the lead of the idea seems to want it to be a single state.
Although I imagine the state of Canada might try to keep a balance of one Anglo senator and one Franco senator.
Probably not going to have much of any political power though
You already have a voting block of like 150 million people who want to pass single payer but it’s still not happening.
It’s pretty funny how it’s being taken for granted that all the provinces would just be combined into one big state.
Well, yeah. A lot of Canada is more likely to vote Democratic, can’t be letting the Democrats have close to 20 more Senators.
The gerrymandering would go crazy, a 100 mile offshoot just to get five conservatives from middle of nowhere
Toronto and Iqaluit in the same congressional district
problem is they’d still be a 2nd california and give the dems like 55 electoral votes. but he could just balance that by splitting alberta into a gazillion states of their own for max gop senators while making the rest of canada only one state
literally one state bigger than all the others combined lmao. would provinces become counties or what?
Fallout timeline but without any of the cool stuff they got in that timeline
That’s why it’s only 60%
are we seriously going to get the burger anschluss?
Another case of making the unofficial agreements and realities official. Just like Sweden and Finland joining NATO.
Sir please make Klanada part of the greater north american Burger Reich!
its about time we stop those Canucks from using the daemonic sorcerer’s units and RETVRN to the traditions of our imperials.
So, what, the flags get switched out and the street signs go to M/h and then nothing changes?
Canadian Medicare gets retired and all Canadians are registered in a UnitedHealthcare insurance plan.
Ah right, now I’ll have to pay for more than my prescriptions and care that’s deemed ‘elective’
Ok fine I’m against it
When the US goes to war for example with Iran - Canadians will be drafted first. Sorry I don’t make the rules.
Joke’s on you I’m old, broken, and not very bright
I dunno, Interstate 19 uses kilometers instead of miles on its signage, so it might just be that it’s only the flags that get switched out.
There you go. I’m not too worried as long as nobody tries to make me fight
Quebec goes from moderately supporting sovereignty to 115% supporting sovereignty and no president wants the optics of Pierre Trudeau rolling tanks into the streets so we end up with the state of Canada and the nation of New France locked in an infinite border skirmish
I think Trump will change his mind when he learns about French Canadians.
One of Trump’s advisors explaining Canada to him:
“So, to begin with, Canada is very well-known for being near the top of the world in terms of number of French…” (Trump dozes off)
(Trump waking up a while later) “…MAID’s, but despite this, Canadians continue to call for the relaxation of…” (Trump dozes off again)
(his advisor wakes him) “Mr. President, did you catch all that?”
Trump: “Canada has a lot of French maids, and Canadians like to call them when they need to relax. Sounds like me on a Saturday!”
Advisor, biting lip: “Tsssshyeap, that’s totally what I said.”
I can’t wait to be drone striked as a military age male during the Occupation of Canada
I’m pretty sure this is how we get the world government from One Piece
Spoilers for the second-most-recent arc of One Piece
Nah, still too early, that happens after the climate apocalypse.
what do you mean? Canada is already dependent economically to the US. Any private corporations has higher up from the US