Archive link because reactionary source + paywall.
Artem has been working as a TCC officer for more than one and a half years, and said he took the job because he enjoys “being part of the system”.
He said when he first started working with the TCC he felt pity and compassion for his targets.
“I’ve learned to control my emotions during work, and now it’s just a job for me. I always have the argument: It’s either them or me,” he said.
He added: “I believe it’s better to work for TCC than to hide from it.”
Fucking evil scum. Shit stain of humanity. I guess this is all that it takes to convince yourself that you didn’t just send innocent men to meaningless deaths.
“If I don’t throw people in the meat grinder then somebody else will.”
now it’s just a job for me
Yeah the panicked people and their pleading families are just obstacles to be overcome
It’s either them or me
When this war is over it will be you.
“I was just following orders.”
I hope one of his victims cuts his throat
Pretty reprehensible stuff.