Some sort of camp to help ADHD folks work on their concentration?
Laughed too hard at this. It’s a Focus Group!!!
call it a focus village or soemthing
I imagine a terrible, awful future Forest Gump remake.
“They had these camps that helped folks with their concentration or something like that. They said I was a shine-ning example, so I got to meet the president of the United States, again.”
“They tell me this guy is the best example. Got treated, got rich in shrimp. What a guy! Our camps are great, the best camps in all the world.”
Camera pans to Trump shaking hands with Kim Jong Un.
“In Korea, everybody got these pic-tures of their leader on the wall. We got those in Alabama too.”
“I’m going to create these wellness farms where they can go to get off of illegal drugs, off of opiates, but also illegal drugs, other psychiatric drugs, if they want to, to get off of SSRIs, to get off of benzos, to get off of Adderall, and to spend time as much time as they need — three or four years if they need it — to learn to get reparented, to reconnect with communities,” he said during the broadcast.
Isn’t it neat how he mixes in prescribed medical treatments? Neato.
Uh yeah, no.
I once thought it might be an idea to try and back off from 100mg sertraline to 50mg sertraline and on day two I wanted to strangle people. You can take my SSRIs from my cold dead hands.
Yeah, I’m on 300mg sertraline daily, and I sometimes have trouble getting my prescription filled (understandable, it’s a way bigger dose than usual)
But if I’m not on it, the suicidal thoughts usually start on day 3
So if they were to take my SSRIs, I would quickly be killed by my own cold, dead hands
I’m going to try and write on my brain to turn those thoughts entirely on the people who decided I shouldn’t get my meds anymore.
How are you going to kill yourself with your own cold dead hands? That implies you’re already dead. I guess you could chop them off and strangely yourself with them. That’d be pretty gruesome, but you do you I guess.
New level of “the stranger” achieved. Your own severed dead hand.
“Have you tried going outside and snapping out of it?”
-RFK Jr., probably
So school shootings are a mental health problem, so he wants to do the opposite of help. Goddamn, make these people make sense.
Yeah, getting on and off medications is no easy task sometimes. And we already have mental health facilities you can go to for med adjustments. It’s just not free.
I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say. On my current dose, I’m pretty good. Less? I very quickly go back to the state that brought me to where I needed to get on this medication. I am much better off staying on this dose until the end of my days, and frankly, so is everyone who has to interact with me.
That said, “not being free” made it so that I couldn’t stay on meds when I was in my twenties. The several other obstacles I dealt with over the decades mostly had to do with insurance that I had.
That’s fair, if you need the meds, you need the meds.
He’s a big believer in the whole “keeping people on drugs isn’t the fix” kind of thinking. It’s short-sighted and ignorant of the fact that a lot of people on them have a net benefit to function in society.
What he is proposing is something far more stupid akin to “Well look at me. I’ve never needed these drugs, and I’m totally fine. WTF, people?”
If you want a country that is doing the proper work to stop jumping to long-term prescriptions as problem solvers, I’m all for that. DO NOT confuse that with these dumb shit he’s suggesting though.
“Well look at me. I’ve never needed these drugs [He does], and I’m totally fine [He’s not]. WTF, people?”
Yes, but he THINKS he is.
He THINKS he’s fine because he lives in a bubble with other people who are willing to accept and normalize his unmedicated issues at great personal cost. And now, instead of being kicked to the roadside or reckoning with the idea of “maybe I’m the asshole here”, he plans to make the whole US into his safe space so he doesn’t have to be confronted with an idea outside his sphere.
What he is proposing is something far more stupid akin to “Well look at me. I’ve never needed these drugs, and I’m totally fine. WTF, people?”
Except he looks like a reanimated corpse and sounds like a frog that died on a log in a bog.
Yeah, you want to start with making it so I can live a full life without Adderall? Awesome, I’m all for it, start by building a robust and accessible public transportation network that allows for intercity and intracity transportation conveniently at all times of day, because trust me you do not want be driving unmedicated. Then you’re gonna need to solve the unable to maintain employment without meds problem. And even if you do all that I’ll fight you taking my meds tooth and nail because I feel seriously disabled without them and would much rather go without hearing aids than without adderall.
He’s an ex drug addict.
I agree with the principal sentiment. Except for schizophrenia and other illnesses involving acute psychosis, drugs shouldnt be the permanent solution.
But this requires access to proper psychotherapy, which needs to be part of a consistent concept of slowly reducing the drugs as the condition gets better.
Also this requires a society, where people have enough agency to remove the causes of psychological distress from their life. People getting anxieties is perfectly normal, if they are in constant fear to not be able to pay their bills. People getting depressed is perfectly normal, if they are expected to work a dead end job for the rest of their lifes, etc.
I see none of that coming from the direction of any politician.
EDIT: Wow. People get offended by the idea not to pump people full of drugs for the rest of their lifes, when therapy is a viable alternative. Seriously why do you want people to suffer instead of providing proper healthcare including proper access to therapy and creating life conditions that aren’t designed to make people sick? I never thought this to be controversial.
No, not just for “schizophrenia and other illnesses involving acute psychosis”.
My brain literally does not properly process dopamine. Adderall, Ritalin, Strattera, etc help this. No matter how much my stress in life is reduced, I still need meds like these to function properly.
Yeah, without psychiatric grade stimulants I simply cannot function properly. Not just in a “industrialized society” way, but also in a “cooking, cleaning, regulating my emotions, regulating my behavior…” way. Without these meds I would need disability support, with them I’m able to support my household
Ah, but you make an exception for one of the most harmful kinds of perscription drugs that comes with severe side effects often far worse than the symptoms they’re meant to treat. It’s different because psychotic people scaaaaryyy I suppose?
It is different because there is no alternative to reliably prevent psychosis afaik.
Why the hell do you get offended by the idea to minimize use of psychatric drugs where possible and to continue use where necessary?
There’s no alternative to reliably treat many other psychiatric issues. And antipsychotics are often not worth the extremely debilitating side effects.
Therapy is great. For some of us it’s necessary but not sufficient. If a medication can help me, it should be my right to decide if I want it as a permanent part of my treatment plan for as long as it helps.
If someone has a liver, heart, or kidney problem, and need drugs to fix a deficiency - no problem.
But if it’s the brain you suggest not using drugs?
“Hey, person with a heart arrhythmia. Just get over it!”
Again nowhere did i say that. The precondition is always that therapy is available and working. But therapy is expensive and requires individual therapists. Making and selling psychiatric drugs can be done as an efficient business. And the companies doing so are such great benevolent entities that they have paid record sums in compensations for victims of them pushing the drugs. This includes often families where the drugs lead to psychosis, suicide, homicide, adverse health problems…
The very fact that psychiatric drugs can be advertised on TV in the US is complete madness. But i guess if you are a dealer or addict, nuance is easy to ignore.
You just agree because it comes from a maga nutjobs mouth.
“You’re just depressed because life sucks, get over it”
I really wonder why you get offended by “We should try to minimize the use of psychatric drugs, where therapy is a viable alternative”?
Do you prefer taking drugs with potentially severe side effects for the rest of your life? Do you want people to die, because some life event outside their control prevents them from accessing drugs like SSRIs or Benzodiazepines that can be deadly if quit cold turkey?
Nothing of that has to do with maga nutjobs. On the contrary it should be basic human decency to find and provide the least harmful treatment.
I really wonder why you get offended by “We should try to minimize the use of psychatric drugs, where therapy is a viable alternative”?
What you said here wouldn’t ruffle nearly as many feathers, because IMHO in your other post you buried the lede.
It’s definitely good to say that we need better access to therapy, and to improve societal conditions, since many people would be healthier with those instead of drugs. We’d all benefit!
Then there’s proposals by hardcore wingnuts like RFK that…are unreasonable to the point of doing outright harm. You just got confused for the latter, I guess. I wasn’t sure about your first comment, either.
Also, “get reparented” is some very sinister cult programming (ie brain washing) language…
Also extremely “these people should not be treated as having the legal autonomy of adults” vibes
It’s all the same when you believe in conspiracy theories, are not a Dr., and had a brain worm die in your head.
Also, how in the hell do we not have at least a medical degree as the very 1st requirement for a position that controls/shapes medical care for the country?!
… to spend time as much time as they need — three or four years if they need it — to learn to get reparented, to reconnect with communities …
Is this paid time/leave? Who does he envision paying for his “wellness farms”? Or is this him envisioning everyone creating some commune farm where everyone is eating mushrooms and killing bears?
does that include his new bosses?
gonna need at least four years to get them all cleaned up and ‘reconnected with communities’.
and we better lock 'em all up just to make sure we don’t miss a straggler or two.
I sure hope there will be people there that know what they’re doing. Benzo withdrawal is no joke and can lead to seizures.
So his solution to ADHD is a concentration camp?
Sure, that way they can learn to concentrate.
That’s what trump said to the ICC when they issued a public statement in 2025 about criminalizing mental illness
And a tax on cannabis sales would fund these farms, he proposed.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but… is he really suggesting a federal tax on a federally illegal substance?
You hope he is just being clever and indirectly talking about legalizing cannabis, but you know that in reality he is just so incompetent that he has no idea what he is talking about.
but you know that in reality he is just so incompetent that he has no idea what he is talking about.
The reality is he’s very well educated and an overall intelligent person. His views are pure malice, not stupidity. Don’t be a dunce and underestimate him
He may be well educated, but he’s dumb as fuck.
Dude thinks the guy who stares at eclipses and changes hurricanes with a sharpie is smart lmfao. Wow
To be fair, they’re not talking about Trump, but RFK Jr.
They think the guy who straps a whale head to the top of his car and drives home with it is smart.
He also thought COVID was engineered to not hurt Asians and only Ashkenazi Jews. I’m not sure what kind of education these rich brats get but it definitely doesn’t make them smart.
If it makes money, yes.
Well, yeah? Tax stamps have pretty much always been required, and yes, on illegal weed.
Correct me if I’m wrong but are you pretending you don’t know the war on drugs to be utter bullshit that’s damaging society?
The war on drugs is bullshit, but the fact is that the US government still considers it a schedule 1 drug. My point is that they shouldn’t be able to tax it while still pretending that it should be illegal.
Well no the hypocrisy shouldn’t exist, that I agree with.
But I’d rather have taxation from cannabis while enduring the annoying hypocrisy rather than not have taxed cannabis and still listen to the hypocrisy.
The legal situation in the US is kinda weird. You can go to a legal shop to buy legal weed and when you walk out a federal agent might arrest you.
A lot of Americans have to pass a drug test to get a new job. Perhaps RFK would like if we applied this reasoning to Trump’s whole cabinet?
They’re skipping the FBI checks. Safe to say there will be no drug tests.
There was reports on how the white house apothecary was pushing a lot of prescription drugs during his last presidency, so I’ll expect RFK to jail all of those.
So they’re just already saying the “camps” part out loud, eh? I guess when you have Hitler’s playbook, you can move faster than Hitler did.
Is he not aware that the fascist pumpkin he will be working for pops those like breath mints?? Please do send that rapist con man to a labor camp.
Yes I am sure not being hypocrites is high on their list of concerns
Internal consistency was never their strong point.
Being Human was never their strong point. :)
The death cultists: It only counts if you have a prescription.
As a minority with ADHD I guess I’m fucked.
Summer Camp 2025 here we come! /s
Wait, which minority? Because you might get “accidentally” deported before you get sent to a “wellness farm”.
This is part of some rural grift facilities which probably started with “trouble teens”. In recent years I’ve seen reports of these “farms” for “distressed” women. It’s usually a place with Ranch in the name. Example:
Permaculture farms, for example, are already well known for relying on abusive work conditions. See Joel Salatin:
Are these the same people that abduct teens at night and bring them to these camps where they die of dehydration?
Those are more like wilderness survival training, except nobody in charge has any wilderness survival training of their own.
He mentioned SSRIs in the article. Now I’m imagining a bunch of PTSD infantry combat vets laughing their ass off at the instructor.
They pay your mortgage and buy your kids food while you’re there?
Next you’re gonna assume they don’t send a bill when you’re done
Yeah, I already started weaning myself off my depression meds. Went cold turkey once, and that was a nightmare. They’re planning to kill the VA, so fuck our service. I’m never getting cut off again. I’ll switch to natural alternatives, thank you.
Probably still easy to get from Mexico. Your mental health is important and shits about to get a whole lot more depressing
True, and I’ll consider that for certain things, but I’m not taking that particular risk again. Mental health is nothing to toy with, and cold turkey is not an option. I can function generally depressed, no problem. I can’t risk memory lapses and emotional whatever the fuck those were.
Phew, glad my psychiatrist prescribed me Ritalin.
Definitely safe
When was this written???
Jul 25
At 3:48 edt
During a national holiday called Sharon Adarlo
From the looks of things, 20 minutes into the future.
If he comes for my antidepressants he can haul me off but he can’t make me cooperate.
It’s going to be like those troubled teenager reform schools. They will torture non compliance.
what the hell. staying in Canada.