Wow Joe Biden was president even then
Wow Joe Biden was president even then
With the help of newsrooms like yours, NBC.
I believe you, but this is also a very left-leaning site that pretty much filters out all of the conservative idiocy from it. The general public doesn’t seem to give a shit and when I go out and about in the world it’s like nothing has even changed. I suspect it will be this way for a while even if eventually there is full-blown fascism with a world war and death camps. I remember reading remarks by people who were around during the formation of the Third Reich in Germany and I remember them writing something like all the shops and everything were open and people were going to work like normal for a large portion of it. There was even a person that didn’t realize how crazy the country had gotten until he saw his small child imitating Hitler and saying antisemitic shit about Jews.
The feeling that nobody else really gives a shit is what does it for me.
But but but he rhymes at times like johnnie cochran when he’s on and rockin!
Surely, that makes up for being a corporate drone that helps keep status quo fascism in place.
I’m talking about a SQL join. It’s essentially combining two tables into one set of query results and there are a number of different ways to do it.
Some joins are fast and some can be slow. It depends on a variety of different factors. But making every query require multiple joins to produce anything of use is usually pretty disastrous in real-life scenarios. That’s why one of the basics of schema design is that you usually normalize to what’s called third normal form for transactional tables, but reporting schemas are often even less normalized because that allows you to quickly put together reporting queries that don’t immediately run the database into the ground.
DB normalization and normal forms are practically a known science, but practitioners (and sometimes DBAs) often have no clue that this stuff is relatively settled and sometimes even use a completely wrong normal form for what they are doing.
In most software (setting aside well-written open source), the schema was put together by someone who didn’t even understand what normal form they were targeting or why they would target it. So the schema for one application will often be at varying forms of normalization, and schemas across different applications almost necessarily will have different normal forms within them even if they’re properly designed.
All that said, detecting, grouping, comparing, and removing duplicates is a basic function of SQL. It’s definitely not expected that, for instance, database tables would never contain a duplicate reference to a SSN. Leon is indeed demonstrating here that he’s a complete idiot when it comes to databases. (And he goes a step further by saying the government doesn’t use SQL when it obviously does somewhere. SQL databases are so ubiquitous that just about any modern software package contains one.)
SSNs being duplicated would be entirely expected depending upon the table’s purpose. There are many forms of normalization in database tables.
I mean just think about this a little bit, if the purpose is transactions or something and each row has a SSN reference in it for some reason, you’d have a duplicate SSN per transaction row.
A tiny bit of learning SQL and you could easily see transactional totals grouped by SSN (using, get this, a group by clause). This shit is all 100% normal depending upon the normalization level of the schema. There are even – almost obviously – tradeoffs between fully normalizing data and being able to access it quickly. If I centralize the identities together and then always only put the reference id in a transactional table, every query that needs that information has to go join to it and the table can quickly become a dependency knot.
There was a “member” table for instance in an IBM WebSphere schema that used to cause all kinds of problems, because every single record was technically a “member” so everything in the whole system had to join to it to do anything useful.
I’m not sure I need to know the technical details to see the obviously terrible result, but I appreciate the education anyway. It never hurts to become a little more educated. Cheers!
Lara Trump isn’t just a bad makeup job. Kimberly Guilfoyle isn’t either. Lara Loomer kinda has it too, and this lady definitely has it.
Kari Lake has the same look going on to an extent…and because they look so awful they get people to shoot them with this weirdo soft lighting.
I’m trying to criticize basically all of the women Trump goons. Most of them wind up looking like the glamour shot version of “Mob Wives”.
The democrats were this ineffective during the GWB era as well. Then after America gets sick of Republicans because their policy is terrible and predictably causes calamities of varying magnitudes, only the people who didn’t go along for the ride with the Republicans thrive politically afterwards.
For instance, one of Obama’s main draws in the 2008 primaries was the dude wasn’t drawn into being pro-Iraq invasion.
The feeble wimps will all be seen as such if this era ever ends, and the public will turn to whomever consistently opposed the petard throwing before it hoists the one who threw it.
I can’t watch that nor any other Chuck Lorre trash. His shows just rub me the wrong way.
Other people actually giving a damn enough to do something other than post about it. I protested in the past and absolutely nobody gave a shit and it had zero effect. I don’t even think the protest was covered on the news.
I suspect that for any average American (or even a single digit percentage of them) to bother getting involved things are going to have to get extremely bad.
Wow CNN “journalists” really can’t interview worth a damn.
Is there a name for this phenomenon for when people start to look inbred due to having all of the terrible plastic surgery? It’s like the Habsburg jaw but within a single generation because the deformity wasn’t a product of breeding.
I can’t imagine this will reach the right audience, but in the lead up to the superb owl this year I was saying that a great sketch about this country would be to have this giant hyped up spectical where everyone’s getting all fucking jazzed up and talking about how all of this epic shit is going to happen and then at the climax of the sketch you get to the actual “action” and it’s just a dude flipping a coin once.
That’s America IMO, and it’s definitely illustrated fully in the super bowl: six hours for ten seconds of actual action interrupted constantly by bullshit and commercials and followed by idiots tearing “their city” apart because their laundry was crowned “world champions” of a sport only played by people in one country.
Right back at ya removed
Trump’s fault