One take about the October Revolution I remember reading from conservatives is that it was not organic and was a scheme by the German Empire to get Russia out of WWI and place Lenin in charge. Now of course, this, apart from sounding extremely dumb, ignores the October Revolution being the culmination of the failures and suppression of Communists by the Provisional Government of the February Revolution, but I want to ask, has anyone come across this take before?
I’ve seen this dumb take so many times
Literally what is the point they’re trying to get across? That communism was actually invented by the German Empire? That the people of Russia actually wanted to starve to death in an unpopular war?
The point is to shit on USSR and Lenin.
And it ignores that the Communists solved the problems of the Russian empire. They left the war, rebuilt, collectivized, industrialized, improved living conditions, ended mass starvation and illiteracy etc
Yeah but! Imagine how far would Russia get if it wasn’t for that German spy! /s, but some people unironically said that to me
And it’s not surprising given even my school history books (Belarus) have been a lot of perestroikaesque “Stalin was routinely fucking shit up and we won thanks to individual heroism of people”. Lots of contemporary Russian movies about WW2 follow that theme too.
Kingsman. KINGSMAN