“Secret” is tongue in cheek.
We know people flash the white power hand sign when having their picture taken, as if it isn’t a racist dog whistle.
The Bloods have a hand sign. I’m impressed that one can spell the entire word with one’s hands.
Jeep drivers have a cutesy hand wave that signals a common identity with other Jeep drivers.
AFAIK there’s no hand sign that espouses the Eat The Rich sentiment. There’s an opportunity to create something new where one doesn’t yet exist.
If “Eat the Rich” produced a secret hand gesture, what would/should it look like?
I understand the argument of “This doesn’t help; instead write to your congressman or volunteer to burp newborns.” I get that, but this is independent of that.
This truly belongs in AskLemmy but their (justified) temporary ban on US politics seems to discourage this question.
Middle finger(s) should do the trick.
The feeling behind the finger is simple and sufficient if directed toward the fascist/racist, but wouldn’t work to show solidarity to others; it’d amount to the California Howdy.
That white power sign - isn’t that the same “i can make you look at this circle” sign from our youth?
No because that has to be done below the waist, which also changes the orientation.
That and the signal that everything is okay when diving
That’s what they do…
They grab something that exists, tell each other its their sign, and then when called out try to use plausible deniability.
Is that the same as “the game” where it was something like you lose when you remember about it?
You just lost the game
The person saying this has also lost the game, so the joy comes from dragging someone innocent down with you.
The “money” gesture, rub your thumb on your two fore fingers
Ooh, with a snapping of fingers at the end, to signify a satisfying sound to end the rich with
Soooo, I’m not wrong here, right? 😅
I have one for ya.
American Sign Language: “hungry”
The sign for “hungry” is made by forming your right hand into the letter “c.” Move your hand down the middle of your chest.
I just learned something I can use.
I like this one. The tie between “eat” and “hungry” works.
There’s an ick factor imagining a middle class American using a sign that’d also be a good fit for people who are literally starving. So that leaves me unsure. But this is certainly in the right spirit.
Ooooh, but the other uses of the sign increase plausible deniability.
The peace sign but with the fingers curled to represent a couple of teeth.
Oh, wait, that’s already taken by the Beavers. Ahh, we can probably take those little shits.
Punch a capitalist.
I have a Deaf meetup on Saturday, I can ask
I vote for a ‘snap into a slim jim’ like gesture
Hand fully extended, fingers together, flat against the chest cross-ways. Move the hand up towards the neck in a guillotine-like motion.