Anyway I worked out the problem. Hexbear ignores the period at the end of the URL but that’s actually supposed to be there. If you add a period to the broken URL after clicking it, then it will work. This is probably an obscure minor bug in lemmy
He’s fucking up the entire military and I’m ok with that.
Here’s my best guess at a list of candidates:
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Commander of the United States Africa Command (he might keep a black man as leader of africom though)
Commander of the United States Southern Command
Commander of the United States Strategic Command
Commander of United States Transportation Command
Commanding general of United States Army Europe and Africa
Commanding general of United States Army Pacific
Chief of naval operations
There’s a good chance he doesn’t just go after poc and women though, he might just go after everyone appointed by Biden.
Good grief
Wtf why isn’t that link working it’s literally being copypasted.
Here’s the role instead. Click his name in the sidebar to get to the above link. I have NO idea why it isn’t working.
I was just making a Charlie Brown joke
Anyway I worked out the problem. Hexbear ignores the period at the end of the URL but that’s actually supposed to be there. If you add a period to the broken URL after clicking it, then it will work. This is probably an obscure minor bug in lemmy
Michael Langley. Ok universe, very funny