• Armand_RaynalOP
    3 years ago

    We’re on lemmy so, no anonymity for this piece of shit called rallydude04350. Here’s the link to his profile : https://imgur.com/user/rallydude04350

    Those shitlibs are so quick to say “wHataBoUtiSm!!!11” yet they upvoted him for having nothing better to say than “U deEptHroAt cHYnA!!!” …

    Very disappointing when they would send the following post about Tibetan Serfs burning the lease that bound them for life to a landlord’s plot to the frontpage :


    I have to admit I managed to get this one upvoted so much because of, am pretty sure, perfect timing. It was that moment at the beginning of the pandemic when rent was due, people couldn’t go to work, and suddenly had some class consciousness and understood that landlords were their enemies.