Whole lot of liberals who need to face the wall afaic. And people question how I’m so easily able to withhold the extent of my marxism from the settler-colonials; because fuck a duck, do you see those hypocritical crackers? “Buh buh Russia did an indisputably fascist thing moving into Crimea” TRICK THE FUCK DID Y’ALL DO TO AMERIKA THEN? ARE WE JUST GONNA COME OUT AND SAY AMERIKANS ARE FASCIST TOO?
Nah, man, fuck all them. There ain’t shit in my heart for these fash-ass settlers but contempt and ill wishes.
Whole lot of liberals who need to face the wall afaic. And people question how I’m so easily able to withhold the extent of my marxism from the settler-colonials; because fuck a duck, do you see those hypocritical crackers? “Buh buh Russia did an indisputably fascist thing moving into Crimea” TRICK THE FUCK DID Y’ALL DO TO AMERIKA THEN? ARE WE JUST GONNA COME OUT AND SAY AMERIKANS ARE FASCIST TOO?
Nah, man, fuck all them. There ain’t shit in my heart for these fash-ass settlers but contempt and ill wishes.