• redtea@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    I live in hope that the US loses its power base before it can cause too much damage. At risk of mixing metaphors, unless the US ruling class is a lot brighter than I give them credit for, they’ll either shoot too early or miss the boat.

    If they shoot too early, they’ll rile up the very people they want to keep on side and push them towards BRICS+. If they wait too long, it will be too late so stop.

    Either way, they lose access to the labour pool and resources required to maintain the empire. And the military is currently funded by the countries who will jump ship. Ordinary USians can’t afford the bill. If BRICS+ times things right, the US will be powerless to stop it. Still powerful, but not powerful enough. At that point, it behoves whomever cometh next to manage the decline and the people will be begging for it. The same scene will play out across the west.

    There is a risk of fascism, yes, but it’s lesser than it was in the run up to WWII. It doesn’t work unless there’s an out-group to hyper exploit and infrastructure to do so. The US and rest of the west still has access to that. For now. But much of it is in the ex-colonies or in BRICS+ member states. As soon as the world pivots just so, the whole thing will tip. The west will lose access to it’s oppressed subjects and resources either because they’re already in BRICS, the +, or are in places where the people are just waiting for the US to let down it’s guard.

    We’re on the verge of a qualitative leap even if August 22 is a little (too) hopeful. It’s taken a century of Marxist struggle and the path forward is lined with nettles and brambles but we’re on the cusp of a socialist future. Trust that the working class never sleeps for long.