“Effective immediately, disaster wide – cease inspections today and return to your hotels,” an alert from Vanguard Inspection Services read on Saturday. “FEMA received news that the Title 10 (active military unit deployed to NC) came across some trucks of militia units who said they were out hunting FEMA personnel.”
Vanguard was not immediately available for comment.
Chuds out here manifesting their talking points
Honestly, it’s just the usual of whenever a disaster happens “anti-looting squads” go out and murder and loot themselves. This time it’s “DUH FEMA!”
Let’s head out and secure these valuable lifegiving supplies before looters take them and waste them fellas 😎
Our noble securing of supplies, their violent looting
The US collapsing in the next 3 weeks to spare the rest of the world endless election news bullshit would be pretty cool tbh
Militias out here stopping the community from getting help is honestly too fuckin funny. Thank god Papaw got out his AR-15 and told some bean counter to get lost. Now the women and children can rest easy
I remember listening to a podcast about this. How right wing chuds are looking to take the place of fema when disaster strikes and already have. Can’t remember which podcast, maybe trillbillies
The west, the imperial core in particular feels so doomed.
It won’t be leftist groups that do mutual aid but a bunch of reactionary militia maniacs who between handing out aid to “the good ones” will murder and lynch a few POC and queer folk, and do some gender-violence on women and use their hero status to obfuscate their misdeeds and growing power.
It seems too convenient too, like something the bourgeoisie or the nat-sec state planned as a way to prevent the rise of organic left mutual aid groups who would spread class awareness and threaten the existence of the US and capitalism itself. They can also use the existence of these to claim government is inefficient and they should just give money (and legal murder powers) to these groups instead because they do it better. And when a communist mutual aid org is found all murdered in an area where these people are operating it will be obvious what happened but uncle Sam wanted them dead anyways so you know they’ll probably just hand out more guns to them in return and they’ll become more popular with cops.
Plenty of anarchist and marxist groups collaborate to do mutual aid. I follow a group on instagram who’s been at the site doing water purification. blackpowderpress I think covered one of them.
It doesn’t just seem convenient; there’s historical precedence for it. While not natural disaster per say, fascists have been known to host AAs, “Masculinity Programs” and other niche social programs disguised as recruitment fronts. Further back, the government sponsoring radical militias to keep communists and socialist groups down is not uncommon or a element of the government (states and local/what not) to start funding these groups (I think of Chetniks for example). It’s been going on a long, long time in the U.S especially and in this case it’s more opportunist for them to establish a “popular front”.
Vanguard at home
The fuck does Vanguard Inspection Services even mean. Vanguard…inspections?? ???
Sounds like some shell company hired by investors and paid for by the government.
Sure, I guessed that; but who does the naming for these? Do they just pick from a spreadsheet of generic PMC Metal-Gear name-lists and throw darts?
I mean, outside of leftist discourse and Kojima Lore, the word “Vanguard” has a big association with
The Vanguard Group, Inc. (commonly known as simply Vanguard) is an American registered investment advisor founded on May 1, 1975 and based in Malvern, Pennsylvania, with about $9.3 trillion in global assets under management as of May 2024. It is the largest provider of mutual funds in the world.
Yeah that’s what it seems like. Some baby brained failed tech CEO starts a company to extort the government while pretending to be helping people.
Thanks to neoliberal regulatory capture this stoppage probably just means VIS gets to send some of their staff home and keep all of the FEMA money.
Could this have been the whole point? I honestly wouldn’t discount it
I was told hamas were the ones hogging all the food and stopping trucks. What even is this groups M. O
Hey FEMA you come around my home looking to give disaster relief to my family who’s dying of thirst and I got a little present for ya.
imagine being one and a half feet tall and holding your normal sized guns in front of your miniature custom made office
It was only a matter of time. Surprised they haven’t shot anyone yet tbh