A community dedicated to discussing game piracy and providing useful resources.
# Game Sources
Windows Games
Repack Sites
Fitgirl Repacks
Dodi Repacks
Masquerade Repacks
Direct Download
GOG Games
Mobilism (Android)
For Linux Users
Use Valve Proton
ROM Sites
Vimm’s Lair
# Software
Open Source Torrent Clients
qBittorrent - Best BitTorrent client for Linux, Windows and Mac
Deluge - Cross platform BitTorrent client
Game Launchers
Playnite - Open-source video game library manager for Windows
Lutris - Open-source gaming platform for Linux
Steam - Proprietary cross-platform digital game distribution platform
GOG Galaxy - Proprietary DRM-free digital game distribution platform for Windows and Mac
Yuzu - Nintendo Switch
RPCS3 - PlayStation 3
Xenia - XBox 360
Cemu - Wii U
Dolphin - Wii and GameCube
PCSX2 - PlayStation 2
Other Useful Software
uBlock Origin
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