    3 years ago

    Both of these regions voted popularly to join Russia, the people there WANT to be part of Russia.

    Even were that true, how can she know that? For instance, if a new poll was somehow produced that showed fewer than 10% wanted to be annexed by Russia… would you believe that?

    It’d be far easier to believe that instead, someone went in and manipulated it somehow. You’ve got plenty of villains already picked out who could be responsible for it. The CIA. The EU. Anti-Russian terrorists. Obviously, they cooked up some scheme to make it look like something other than the honest truth which is that they all love Putin and want to be part of his country.

    If you would believe that, then how can you hold it against her that she believes differently? And because of those beliefs she has reached conclusions that differ from yours.

    and because their only framework of the world is from the lens of NATO propaganda, they refuse to accept that it’s more-or-less the same thing.

    This is little different than the bizarre and dangerous logic traps that the religious fall into. If the Devil is out there making up evidence so damning and so convincing that you’ll stop believing in God, then the only way to be a good Christian is to believe in God no matter what evidence you ever see to the contrary.

    It must always be “NATO”. (A strange choice, is this now a stand-in for the United States, which should really be Russia’s villain, or are there circumstances where that just doesn’t pass the smell test even for the true believers?) No other explanations make sense. It can’t be that in other places in the world where people actually want to live, thousands of immigrants go there and tell everyone about how Russia likes to move the border markers farther south in Georgia 5 or 10 meters every night. That people go to sleep in a bed in Georgia, and wake up in the same bed which is mysteriously now in Russia.

    It must be NATO. And their insidious propaganda.

    All of this for what? It’s not even to defend the precious Soviet Union, but some zombie version of it which is the worst form of capitalism imaginable.