Social Democrat ~> Democratic Socialist ~> Libertarian Socialist ~> Revolutionary Communist
I’ve decided to stop making political theory a part of my identity. I’m more a Marxist-Leninist with anarchist tendencies I suppose? But saying that just tends to piss everyone off, like I need to choose. I believe anarchy is useful in the current fight against capitalism, but “On Authority” also makes excellent points. No leaders or theory is infallible, but with how much anti-communist propaganda there is around the Soviet Union I don’t really care if I come off as a “Tankie” anymore, too many anarchist, even AnComs, believe capitalist propaganda about the Soviets and China for me to call myself one anymore.
Social Democrat ~> Democratic Socialist ~> Libertarian Socialist ~> Revolutionary Communist
I’ve decided to stop making political theory a part of my identity. I’m more a Marxist-Leninist with anarchist tendencies I suppose? But saying that just tends to piss everyone off, like I need to choose. I believe anarchy is useful in the current fight against capitalism, but “On Authority” also makes excellent points. No leaders or theory is infallible, but with how much anti-communist propaganda there is around the Soviet Union I don’t really care if I come off as a “Tankie” anymore, too many anarchist, even AnComs, believe capitalist propaganda about the Soviets and China for me to call myself one anymore.
its respectable, they make good points, its why they are in a sense our true equals and frenemies