Since Lemmy uses Markdown that supports HTML; it is possible to use Scalable Vector Graphics (with the <svg> tag).

It is possible to import SVG art on Lemmy, which isn’t possible on Reddit.

As an example, here is a flag I made.

<svg id=“svg8” width=“297mm” height=“190mm” version=“1.1” viewBox=“0 0 297 190” xmlns=“” xmlns:cc=“” xmlns:dc=“” xmlns:rdf=“” xmlns:xlink=“”> <title id=“title83625”>Freedom of Information Flag</title> <defs id=“defs2”> <symbol id=“ic_search_24px” viewBox=“0 0 24 24”> <path id=“path6933” d=“m4.101 3.7042h-0.20902l-0.074083-0.071438a1.7119 1.7119 0 0 0 0.4154-1.1192 1.7198 1.7198 0 1 0-1.7198 1.7198c0.42598 0 0.81756-0.1561 1.1192-0.4154l0.071438 0.074083v0.20902l1.3229 1.3203 0.39423-0.39423zm-1.5875 0c-0.65881 0-1.1906-0.53181-1.1906-1.1906s0.53181-1.1906 1.1906-1.1906 1.1906 0.53181 1.1906 1.1906-0.53181 1.1906-1.1906 1.1906z” stroke-width=“.26458”/> </symbol> </defs> <metadata id=“metadata5”> rdf:RDF <cc:Work rdf:about=“”> dc:formatimage/svg+xml</dc:format> <dc:type rdf:resource=“”/> dc:titleFreedom of Information Flag</dc:title> <cc:license rdf:resource=“”/> dc:descriptionA flag to support the universal right to information.

  • Yellow background represents liberty.
  • The magnifying glass is a symbol for information. It is horizontally aligned to represent the lack of bias.
  • The horns represent the idea of copyleft, supported by GNU.</dc:description> dc:subject rdf:Bag rdf:liinformation</rdf:li> rdf:lifree</rdf:li> rdf:lilibre</rdf:li> rdf:lignu</rdf:li> </rdf:Bag> </dc:subject> </cc:Work> <cc:License rdf:about=“”> <cc:permits rdf:resource=“”/> <cc:permits rdf:resource=“”/> <cc:permits rdf:resource=“”/> </cc:License> </rdf:RDF> </metadata> <rect id=“rect10” y=“-.14054” width=“299.74” height=“192.39” fill=“#ffff00” fill-rule=“evenodd” stroke-width=“.26458”/> <g id=“layer1” transform=“translate(0,-107)” fill=“#000000”> <use id=“use84183” transform=“matrix(2.6112 2.6112 -2.6112 2.6112 10.493 -71.155)” width=“100%” height=“100%” xlink:href=“#ic_search_24px”/> <path id=“path85079” d=“m190.56 142.53c2.2453-3.1184 5.228-6.13 7.076-10.306 0.75336-4.9917 0.81194-7.669-0.84953-12.793-1.1288-3.0946-2.0595-5.6271-3.6189-8.589 9.1301 5.6434 11.272 10.243 11.272 10.243 1.9779 5.4942 2.1059 7.4287 1.4032 12.114-2.0111 5.3632-5.285 10.025-11.132 16.23-3.0171-4.7485-4.151-6.8989-4.151-6.8989z”/> <path id=“path85933” d=“m110.17 142.28c-2.2453-3.1184-5.0526-5.8728-6.9006-10.049-0.75336-4.9917-0.81194-7.669 0.84953-12.793 1.1288-3.0946 2.0595-5.6271 3.6189-8.589-9.1301 5.6434-11.272 10.243-11.272 10.243-1.9779 5.4942-2.1059 7.4287-1.4032 12.114 2.0111 5.3632 5.1447 9.8842 10.991 16.09 3.0171-4.7485 4.116-7.0158 4.116-7.0158z”/> </g> </svg> </xml>

(The code can be previewed through an HTML viewer.)

scour may be needed to get the SVG art to work.

  • azron
    3 years ago

    Thank you for the tip!

    Side note, doesn’t appear to work on mobile.