• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
    21 hours ago

    Talking about whataboutism is just a way to paper over hypocrisy. It’s not a real argument. Then you proceeded to make it crystal clear that you are indeed a hypocrite.

    What I don’t understand is why “leftists” like you feel the need to vocally support an oligarch and dictator, instead of being able to say that the war in Ukraine is a pointless waste of human lives for which Putin is directly responsible as the aggressor.

    Nice straw man there buddy, cause nowhere did I vocally support anything. What you’re being told is that what Russia is doing is no different from what the west has been doing, and that the west is just as responsible for starting and continuing this conflict. Apparently that’s just too hard a concept for you to comprehend.

    The most incredible part is that multiple people in this very thread tried to explain the situation to you, and you just ignore the facts and continue regurgitating the talking points you’ve memorized. The sheer anti-intellectualism on display is stunning.

    • mormund@feddit.org
      55 minutes ago

      Hypocrisy would be if I blindly excused anything NATO did or held them to a different standard. Which, you may recall, I never did.

      What you’re being told is that what Russia is doing is no different from what the west has been doing

      Okay so what Russia is doing is the same as NATO, which is bad because what NATO does is bad? Or is it justified and NATO is also justified in their actions?

      And yes I would claim you vocally support Putin and Russia, because you seem incapable of critique of a war that he is directly responsible for. And note that I’m not even claiming sole responsibility in that sentence.

      And if you are wondering, I can certainly offer some critique of NATO and the US.

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
        45 minutes ago

        Yes, you literally did that with the example of Yugoslavia. At leat lie about something that you haven’t done in this very thread.

        Meanwhile, the fact that you see rational analysis for the reasons for the war as vocal support for Putin shows just how utterly intellectually impoverished you are.