This one hits weirdly hard for me because I had to pay my own way through college with multiple minimum wage jobs at the same time.
Lemme guess - you had at least one professor who lectured you about not being sufficiently committed to their class because you looked tired one day.
A few, yes. But I had some very understanding ones as well.
One of the worst required me to sneak out of her class (one of those petty professors that actually did have a strict attendance policy) just so I had time to complete an essay project at the last minute that I simply didn’t have time to do in the weeks before that because of the jobs I was cramming in at the same time.
Alma Matters :kelly:
Like I’ve always said he’s got his finger on the pulse of boomers who hate their kids.
Nonsense, there’s no blue-haired pronoun Marxist that’s transing the kids
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:sicko-college-admin: or :sicko-profits: if the label is removed