Wertheimer [any]

  • 158 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2020

  • NYT:

    The target of the strike was Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, according to two Israeli and two American officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence. It was not immediately clear whether Mr. Nasrallah was in the buildings when they were hit.

    Al Mayadeen:

    20:17: US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was speaking with his Israeli Security Minister as the operation was ongoing: Pentagon

    20:16 The United States did not have advanced warning of an Israeli strike in Beirut: Pentagon

    20:08 Senior US officials denied Israeli claims that “Israel” notified the US minutes before the strike in Beirut, telling Axios they had no prior warning

  • Article

    The envisioned changes would make it much harder for officials to end the partial asylum ban by tweaking the threshold at which it would be deactivated.

    . . .

    Under the changes, however, the asylum restrictions would only deactivate if the seven-day average stays below 1,500 for 28 days. It would also include more migrants in the deactivation trigger’s calculations. Currently, crossings by non-Mexican unaccompanied children are excluded. The updated calculations would include all unaccompanied children.

    Naturally the article goes on to accept all sorts of false premises about immigrants, refuses to examine the ways in which Biden and Trump have violated international law (beyond some token, detail-free quotations from the ACLU), and never once uses the word “refugee” or asks why people might want to flee their homes.

  • They’re so mad at him for outgrowing their shitty magazine:

    Within the failure Coates sees in the magazine article that launched him toward fame lie strata not only of guilt but also, it seems, of searing anger. Thinking back to when he wrote it, he remembers himself as a journalist all too willing to tread tactically and tactfully at the “hallowed and lauded” and white-led publication that gave him a platform, and all too ready to conform to what he believes is the governing Israel-friendly outlook of the mostly white media world.

    Later they both-sides Baruch Goldstein. visible-disgust

  • SF Chronicle: Police are deliberately ramming suspects’ cars. Dozens have died — including bystanders

    Since 2017, at least 87 people across the country have been killed after police officers rammed vehicles they were pursuing, often at extremely high speeds, a Chronicle investigation found.

    Nearly half of those who died — 37 people, including seven children — were not the fleeing drivers. Instead, they were passengers or bystanders. In Tifton, Ga., a grandmother was killed when a fleeing car deliberately struck by police careened into her front yard.

    Astounding cruelty

    The wreck that killed Lakita Davis started with 5-hour Energy drinks and paper towels.

    A clerk at a Dollar Store in Jonesboro, Ark., told police she saw Davis leave without paying one evening in October 2020. Davis, 35, drove away with her daughter, her daughter’s boyfriend and her stepson in a silver Honda Civic.

    Moments later, Middlecoff sped toward Davis at more than 120 mph and deliberately rammed her car. The Civic veered off the road and flipped, landing on its hood.

    “Crawl out, or you’re gonna get dog bit!” ordered Chris Shull, an officer with the Jonesboro Police Department, a K9 by his side, according to dash-camera and body-camera footage and documents from Jonesboro and Arkansas State Police.

    “Driver, can you crawl out?” another officer asked. Davis didn’t answer.

    Standing nearby, Shull said, “I gotta say, that was my first pursuit that was legit and justified, like, fit policy. That was awesome.”

    Minutes later, Shull announced Davis was dead — and blamed her family.

    “Congratulations, y’all just committed homicide, y’all just committed murder,” he told the passengers: Davis’ 18-year-old daughter, Octavia Jackson, who lay on a stretcher with bone fractures; her stepson, Octavius Moore, 15; and her daughter’s boyfriend, Taccorion Golden, 20, who broke his leg.