What an incredible effort by these people! I personally can’t wait until someone mods in 60fps (which is confirmed to be in the works). This really is a dream come true.

GitHub here: https://github.com/zeldaret/oot

As for where to get the PC build directly, I guess you’ll have to 🏴‍☠️

  • sasalzig
    2 years ago

    Not an expert, but from my understanding of how this worked for the Mario 64 project:

    • Take the ROM and run it through a disassembler.
    • Rewrite (by hand) the assembly in C, one function at a time, with the goal of producing a bit-for-bit identical instructions when compiled using the same tool chain as was used by the Nintendo devs back in the day.
    • Since you now have a reconstructed version of the C source code, you can easily do with it what you can do with any C codebase, like port it to PC or add features, that would be difficult or impossible to do with the MIPS assembly.