Russian residents reported on Telegram that after the attack by the Ukrainian drones, the military airfield looked like footage from an apocalypse movie. “It’s a serious tragedy, folks. This is serious stuff. It’s all fucking on fire. And it’s fucking smoke. It’s all fucking exploding. That’s it,” said one Russian while filming the scene.
None of those airframes are replaceable, Russia is surviving on its inheritance from the USSR, their entire defense industry is crippled by corruption.
But I’m sure all those t-34s should make a difference, who needs modern technology?
That’s because you are utterly clueless just like your buddy here. Soon things will become clear even to the most dimwitted westerners though. Reality has a way of asserting itself.
lmao even western media openly admits Kurks is a disaster for Ukraine, yet here you are
None of those airframes are replaceable, Russia is surviving on its inheritance from the USSR, their entire defense industry is crippled by corruption.
But I’m sure all those t-34s should make a difference, who needs modern technology?
You keep on coping there little buddy, it’s adorable. I bet sinking a ferry is really going to turn the land war around any day now.
The hardest part is trying to tell the difference between the pictures of Russia before and after a destructive war hits it.
I’m joking, they’re always the same picture.
The only joke here is you.
The joke is Russia, and the punchline is that the world feared them for as long as they have.
How can I possibly argue with such a well informed opinion. You clearly have a grasp on what’s happening as you’ve amply demonstrated here.
Right? They got rolled and now Putin looks like a removed. I’m surprised the oligarchs haven’t taken his ass out yet.
That’s because you are utterly clueless just like your buddy here. Soon things will become clear even to the most dimwitted westerners though. Reality has a way of asserting itself.
Clueless? Projection much?