Both A and C (well maybe not his death, but his sentencing at least) would be acceptable answers to the question. This is more a problem with how we think of events and time periods, but it is also something people need to keep in mind when they try to teach it so you don’t end up with questions like this, that make large processes contingent on a single event.
Luigi best brother
Before anyone mentions the Mansion, he didn’t keep that, it dissolves that the end after King Boo is defeated.
He reinvests the money into petite bourgeois property though.
Luigi fought for the south in the ACW.
SHOULD BE ALL THREE for three different revolutions
Didn’t Napoleon III make himself king for a little while? This book is orleanist propaganda
When? He had a strange title of prince-president but afaik he jumped straight to emperor without being king.
Ah damn I fell for the classic emperor-blunder