Edit: Im not being serious. please dont feel bad for liking transformers or scifi or whatever. Thanks
The ultimate treat is dunking on treats and reddit - let go of your desires
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itd be nice if more people realized i was joking. But this is hexbear and i should have known some would believe me to be serious.
i don’t want to make my neurodivergent friends think i would actually dislike them for partaking in something everyone does to some degree.
Some people are answering super sincerely and i feel bad
I literally have this problem as a hyper sarcastic empathetic person. I make a nuclear take that could be really funny in the right environment, but then I stress immediately after that I hurt someone’s feelings.
a) I am autistic as fuck and dont want to be mockingly reminded of my disability so I respond in ways that are indistinguishably ironic and sincere at once
b) I actually believe what I said somewhat, it’s ok to have silly habits, it’s ok to criticize that, but you can definitely overdo both and neither makes you more communist-er
c) I had this line echo in my head in Donny’s voice so I had to say it
d) I presumed you were not serious, but I would not have bet on it
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No, you won’t. You’re a fraud, and I will ban you if you try to be him.
You can’t ban all of us. We will resurrect the culture struggle session and the ban button is gonna break from overuse.
You can’t ban all of us.
Famous last words.
Yeah hes just too cool. What was i thinking?
I’m glad you came to your senses.
one of the best pfp and username combinations ever
The idea that communism will have no treats is toxic to our movement.
Communist games and movies will be leagues better than what we currently have.
Look… if im in my heart of hearts and being serious. i dont mind pop culture. i think when people get a little too obsessed with cape shit or whatever. They would certainly be better spending that time reading, but i dont actually hate pop culture in moderation. Even if most of it is trash right now.
Your issues with “pop culture” are issue with capitalism and commodification of all aspects of our lives. And people’s survival reactions to that.
Pop culture is popular culture. Culture of the people. In juxtaposition to “high art”, or art for the elites.
We should champion good pop culture. It’s OUR culture.
this is cope for someone obsessed with movies and video games.
Its slop designed to keep us complacent.
Pop culture is music, it’s painting, it’s theatre. It’s not just video games and movies. And it can be other things in the future as well.
It’s literally just art for the people, for the masses. That’s us.
Unless you don’t think art has any purpose, you have no reason to oppose “pop culture”, instead of how capitalism distorts and commodifies our popular expressions to control more and more of our reality.
I think youre just arguing semantics with me.
Im sure you know when im talking about pop culture. i mean cape shit and star wars, video games etc, Game of Thrones etc.
its slop and treats designed to make people complacent in being fucked over.
Do you think comics are inferior to opera? Do you think fantasy books are inferior to symphonies? Do you think point-and-click games are inferior to still life paintings?
Or do you just think art is useless? Or worse, detrimental to the human experience?
I’m honestly asking.
I have other things to worry about other than Video games, Super Heros, Game of Thrones, and star wars.
i like video games, i like horror novels. i wont make them a passion though
people who want to fart in movie seats while watching deadpool are fine with me. i just do not like it myself
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Look, I know there’ve been problems in the past, but I think there’s some really cool stuff under development in Star Citizen right now. If you all can chip in a few hundred dollars with me to help the project along, I think it’s really going to pay off in a few months.
I been thinking recently, notUlyssessT, and i know this is tongue in cheek but i wanna ruminate some. I look around my burgerland home and the people who live here and i can’t hate them for delving as deep into pop culture as they can. Cuz theres no other culture here. Im mullin over an idear in my craw that treat derision or even calling the culture we have “pop” serves the capitalist class.
It’s not us plebs who destroyed our social clubs and the real connections we had before our time to spend on them was stolen. We didn’t set out to work so hard and so long we had no energy for anything else. The caps fucking took that part of our lives away. Stole it. They also made themselves the only source of entertainment we can afford or have time for (not to mention forcing artists of all types into the service of profit and popularity to make them). What really gets me furious every day is that they also have the only voice we can hear, or at least the loudest voice and they use this voice much like the church used to, using it mostly to blame us for living in the world they fuckin built.
The worst part of “pop” culture is our guilt for consuming it (hating pop culture is a way of participating in pop culture as well). It is always the way of those in power to cast blame on the oppressed for their indigence.
It’s no different then the avocado toast shit or any other bull you care to name. The powerful pick on the weak for all they do because they can, and because it works.
Ill never take guff from somebody mouth-noisin at me about whether i can participate in The culture we have in this god-forsaken desert of meaning that is the US.
We are all The Cable Guy.
Parenti made this exact point in one of his speeches and I think Inventing Reality. Pop culture isn’t popular culture in the sense of popular being of the populi or of the people. It is pushed top-down by the bourgeoisie to cultivate capital realism and learned helplessness and hopelessness among the masses, to rob them of their sense of solidarity with each other and their spark of rebelliousness directed towards a better world., turning them into completely atomized individuals whose only purpose in life is to consoom.
Damn i should read some of him instead of smoking my gears coming up with common knowledge. I see some to watch on a goog search, can you recommend one?
For books anyway, the two books people recommend are Blackshirts and Reds and Inventing Reality. For lectures, there’s Yellow Parenti (just search for yellow parenti on Youtube).
I also like his series of lectures called Real History. There’s a playlist here (ignore the random Fortnite video at the end): https://invidious.protokolla.fi/playlist?list=PLZdjCqT95Peq3KzB0hU2b_BOi5BF2nmkj
It’s split into 5 parts:
Part 1: The Myth of the Founding Fathers
Part 2: The Spanish American War and the Rise of US Imperialism
Part 3: The Functions of Fascism
Part 4: The Real Causes of World War II
Part 5: Psycho-history
All grown up cartoons are bad. All. No exceptions. South Park = Bojack Horseman = Below Decks.
Genshin Impact has is a deep and thoughtful story that appeals to sensitive prole intellectuals like me. Any critiques from someone with under 200 hours of playtime are libs and will be treated with utmost disgust.
Man i knew you werent being serious but my fingers started twitching so hard reading this i had to write something anyway
Ningguang speaks to my soul. Maybe can’t see the subtlety, but she’s basically family now.
One piece is good because it’s about being queer and revolutionary and truly free
Are we beginning to see the deulyssesification of hexbear?
nope, he just came back.
I expect a weekly star citizen post from you
Cant do it unfortunately. Was told id be banned if i tried to emulate the legend
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Say some confusing author avatar shit to me about the NCR, the Legion, and post-apocalypse society first
the bull the bear the bull the bear the bull the bear the bull the bear
That’s just wallstreetbets lingo
I used to be a total hog for treats in my 20s, I even liked Marvel movies and AAA games. Don’t know if I’m getting old or if the treats really are worse now, but I couldn’t care less about most modern pop culture.
Dunno about your age, but they really are worse
From my pfp, it’s obvious that I like The Transformers. But that’s because I grew up watching the old tv shows. That’s as far as my pop culture obsession goes.
And Funko Pops are dumb. Why not have a toy that can transform into either a car (or object) that you can play with, or a fully posable robot action figure that you can with, instead of just look pretty on a shelf? Even Soundwave, the tape player transformer, has more functionality than those Pops.
You dont need to justify anything to me. Fuck man who doesnt like G1 optimus prime?
Thanks comrade.
look pretty on a shelf
Actually Funky Pops are ugly as shit.
Love to have all my favorite characters with the same loaf of bread head and beady eyes.
Actually Funky Pops are ugly as shit.
Yeah, I have to agree. I really don’t get why some people like those things. It’s the ultimate “I work in an office but I want show my nerdy side” desk piece. Totally boring.
I always thought the Masterpiece Transformers were cool, but could never justify spending that much money on toys.
Yeah, I like the Masterpiece line too and I can’t justify spending that much money either. But I’ve noticed Hasbro learned how to make more articulate figures from Takara’s MP Transformers. I think it’s Titans Return and War For Cybertron you’d want to see. Less expensive than the MP toys. Also, there’s some good unofficial Transformers toys out there that cost less.
But I do want just MP Optimus and MP Megatron so I can have them battle until I croak. That would be fun.
I have to confess I was really into Transformers too when I was younger, not so much these days.
I know what you mean. The live action movies kinda killed it for me, although the Bumblebee movies are good.
For me, in general, I’m just not as interested in pop culture stuff as I used to be, maybe even 95% disinterested.
It wasn’t any single thing for me, I just got more interested in other things
That’s cool. For me it was getting older. Just got tired of all of it.
zooms in on profile pic, sees Optimus Prime with the nasty reverse jam, “hell yeah”