Plutocracy = rule by the wealthy.
Oligarchy = rule by the few.
The wealthy are the few. And with increasing wealth disparity, they are comparatively even fewer than ever before.
Not really any meaningful difference.
Plutocracy = rule by the wealthy.
Oligarchy = rule by the few.
The wealthy are the few. And with increasing wealth disparity, they are comparatively even fewer than ever before.
Not really any meaningful difference.
Becoming…? The country founded on the principle that only landowners and capitalists should be represented democratically is becoming an oligarchy?
Only landowning or capitalist white men could vote and participate in politics…
Depends on the school of Buddhism sure. That’s true. Some don’t have anything resembling what we call God or even gods tho.
I know, but still, the oldest schools of Buddhism don’t have anything that would equate to what we in the west consider a god, or gods.
I know that in east asia, south-east Asia etc., there are schools of Buddhism that do have gods.
But Buddhism being in many ways a rejection of brahamical religion in north india/nepal, also rejected the idea of gods when it first started to develop. I think that’s pretty uncontroversial no?
Not non-religious, but Buddhists don’t believe in god 🤷♂️ it’s something
Yeah… you’re gonna have to do better than that. That article is almost entirely based on the Black Book of Communism, a known bullshit book filled with ridiculous numbers and “estimates”.
Like it includes Nazis killed in WW2 as “victims of communism”. And if those are the victims, good riddance in my books…
What an absurdly bad article. Pure drivel and propaganda, pure emotion without any real analysis.
Source? Never heard of this. They genocided ethnic minorities and instituted privatization, eroding worker rights?
They were at least partially the ancestors of modern native people.
Except no. We lived with them for over 10,000 years without them going extinct. When before we thought they went extinct right after we arrived, thus concluded we hunted them to extinction.
But if we lived with them for thousands and thousands of years, that is very unlikely.
Market value and value are different things. Value is how much a product is socially necessary, and how hard it is to produce. Market value then is what people end up paying for it in a free market. They are often different, but in aggregate for the whole end up being the same.
Except they go ahead and waste their life in some grand finale killing innocent people… because idk they can’t a gf or non-white people exist.
Americans are the most terror prone people ever. They get terror attacks every week basically. By their own people.
But it’s never directed at any of the people who actually deserve it. That’s the most mind boggling thing to me.
Like they are so quick to shoot up a mall, but not a CEOs jaguar?
July Sixth Park Day!
Bit where we end racism, but put people who taste soap when eating cilantro in camps.
Just because you are a mutant doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with the rest of us… cilantro is delicious. Soap mouth.
Added to the list thanks!
I wouldn’t call central planning “Marxist”, it’s just better for many things. And Marxism is about trying to find the best solutions scientifically to the issue of capitalism. Namely a revolution and a restructuring of society by the workers “in their image”. And practice of attempting that and building that new society brought new innovations and ideas.
Also, the end goal for Marxists, like for all communists, is and should be a “stateless, moneyless, classless society”. Not in any “words mean different things” way. In a “there is no more class divisions, no more commodity production and capital, and no more state or hierarchical authority. Like anarchists want as well.
I mean give capitalism long enough we might be left with just one guy standing. I do mean guy. An immortal white shriveled dude, alone in a utopia of bots serving him.
And I just meant this whole “ah we’re not an oligarchy! We’re a plutocracy” thing is just dumb. What is even the difference in these peoples heads? It’s practically the same thing. And it IS the same thing under capitalism. The few who rule are the wealthy.
That’s the whole point of the system… capitalISM? The owners of CAPITAL rule?