Meanwhile India’s incredible train network suffers continuing decades of neglect resulting in poor performance and tragic rail disasters.

We need a fuckplanes community to complement !

    2 years ago

    1044 Airbus plane orders just from India alone? Well on our way to getting out of this climate mess, aren’t we?

    Does anyone remember at the beginning of the pandemic when there was a dip in the amount of CO2 that was being spewed into the atmosphere because there was a huge slump in manufacturing due to people staying home to avoid getting sick? I’m not saying that was good, because a lot of people were suffering, but there was a brief period where it felt like if we can do this, we can perhaps make large changes to slow down climate change.

    Here were are sort of post-pandemic and it’s basically gone back to normal. There seems to be a huge rebound of tourism, planes flying everywhere and the only thing that hasn’t gone back to how it was before the pandemic is the prices of stuff due to massive inflation.