We probably are, but he doesn’t just have “one” take. He’s going thru the entire international community regional cuisine by regional cuisine. Dissing tacos, ramen, paneer and a whole bunch more. It’s honestly impressive how he manages to be so wrong about food so consistently. Compilation video (CW: meat and a noises are at the very end) also a cameo from israhell https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1h7RlabB9O0&pp=ygUYc3dlZGlzaCBtYW4gdnMgdGhlIHdvcmxk
We might be thinking of the same guy. Idk I just saw people pulling sick dunks on him for that take.
We probably are, but he doesn’t just have “one” take. He’s going thru the entire international community regional cuisine by regional cuisine. Dissing tacos, ramen, paneer and a whole bunch more. It’s honestly impressive how he manages to be so wrong about food so consistently. Compilation video (CW: meat and a noises are at the very end) also a cameo from israhell https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1h7RlabB9O0&pp=ygUYc3dlZGlzaCBtYW4gdnMgdGhlIHdvcmxk