Here are two of my old kitties that I miss dearly.
That was ‘Tig’ a bengal. He was an arsehole but I respected that. probably noisiest little fucker i’ve ever met.
And that was ‘Sheba’ an abby. Probably the sweetest cat I’ve had. When I snored she’d sit on my chest staring down at me, I’d wake up and I think she was impressed by the noise. When I get another cat it’ll be one of those.
Wow you sure pick the beautiful high energy breeds!
The bengal was definitely harder…
Here’s what a bengal come down looks like after a toof extraction at the kitty dentist:
Reminds me of “I has a herb!”
The chins!
Such beautiful cats ❤️
I can’t deliver baby cat pics of the current pair, but here is last time I adopted a tiny one. Still miss him so much.
Getting into and tangled within the clothes-horse is such a cat thing to do. What an absolute cutie 😍
He destroyed several thinking he could do the same as an adult. Physics says NO.
Love his tail markings!
I thought it looked like it was intended for another cat like he was a mixed up Lego set 😻
Spare parts cat.
Aww kitty also caught a mouse.
Would drown his stuffed ones in water bowl, thankfully not the tech sort.
Green bag shenanigans instead of doing the housework.
Was he ever really going to do housework?
I could use him as a duster if he’d stop trying to mangle the tablecloth.
There is a ferret trained to dust a hadron collider. Just saying…
I’m tipping the ferret is smarter than my ginger fluff…
Mate trained his to do cable runs. Fucker was awesome at it
(Fucker is the ferret’s name)
All hail Fucker the cable tucker!
Mine pisses on any green bags he gets access to.
Oh no!
Toddler woke up screaming, woke the cat. While im settling the toddler cats giving me this look of death. I said sorry. He replied by going to claw the shit out of the armchair
Kitty is likely ambivalent just hide car keys, title deeds… shoes… probably the knife block you’ll be okay.
Kitty redirected well and did not claw the shit out of the direct source of annoyance. Good kitty.
I’m sorry man but that’s a hilarious scene lol
One last old kitty photo:
She (Sheba) was always so devved when it was silverside was not her thing. She would just stand there and silently protest.
She’s so beautiful!
You have quite the history with gorgeous supermodel cats :)
are upvotes broken?
Works for me (I just upvoted this fine), but as @tone212_ said I did notice that the counter has moved (Firefox on desktop)
They’ve been moved on my view (using Safari browser). Now next to post timestamp.
I see it now. ( embarrassed look )
Oh I HATE that. Looks terrible!
Upvotes look ok but I can’t sort by anything except Hot. iPhone browser no app.
Check your account settings are the way you want them to be. The latest update seems to have either added new settings with strange defaults, or borked up your existing settings.
I think my luck is starting to turn. But we’ll see. Goodnight everyone ❤️
Trust me, watch this. It’s only 30 seconds or so: Seagull kids
I know they have a raucous call, that they are stealing bastards , that they have become a pest but I think they are a beautiful bird, the silver wings and how do they keep their feathers so white living in the sooty city?
seize him 😂
Love Natural Habitat Shorts!
The one on the plane with the ferret sitting between two hedgehogs is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen in my life lol
“I don’t have much time… where is this plane going? Where is this plane going? Noooooo…”
I legitimately couldn’t stop laughing for about 15 mins after that one. It’s just perfect!
ah crap… I think I’ve picked myself up a sick while I was near other humans. That’ll teach me to leave the apartment.
The sick is everywhere out there right now. Stay warm
Yay I made it. Good night.
Good Night. 😽
I’ve had this low-priority to-do in the back of my head for years - “Learn Python”. I’ve just never needed to get across it for any reason when there are other languages I’m more familiar with.
But now my oldest is leaning Python at school. First coding lessons stuff. They’ve got some Logo (the old turtle drawing basic scripting thingy that I learned in the 80’s) module they load and then they’re combining Python and Logo code to draw stuff. It’s actually pretty fun. I find myself debugging his code though. Which is a problem when I don’t know the language syntax.
Watching a complete novice approach a simple problem, I’ve really, really taken for granted how to think like a coder. No wonder people think nerds are from another planet. The problems coders face literally require you to think differently.
So anyway, I’ve started learning Python. I hope I find real uses for it beyond helping the kids with homework.
I learnt logo as my first language as well. It introduced so many useful concepts for later on.
I’ve been meaning to look at it as well. I’m interested in how I could automate things with it.
Have a look at the game engine Godot as well. Its programming language, Gscript, is based on python. It might be a good way to keep your kids interested in coding
Yep, last night I spooned some of the beef broth into a bowl, let it cool to a safe temperature and Melbcat eagerly drained it. It got the thumbs up. Seems it has to be homemade and very plain with nothing weird added.
She feeds on the pagentry of the cooking process. The seasoning of love
She likes homestyle cooking <3 And probably the smell through the house made her hungry
I started the day off with a walk and a hearty breakfast.
One load of washing has been hung. A leg of lamb has been pulled from the freezer to defrost. The sun is shining, the cat is purring on my lap, so far today is shaping up to be a very good day.
Ok I’m not having muesli for breakfast. I’m getting me some of that!
Fucking hell. I couldn’t put it off anymore. I threw up. In a train toilet.
I managed to make it to the toilet at least, and it mostly went into the toilet, but it’s on my shirt, and my nose is absolutely fucked. I don’t really know what to do, so I’m just hiding in the toilet
Edit (1 hour later):
It happened again. This time everybody’s back on the train. I did not make it to the toilet, although did make it to the toilet room
Do you have some variety of tour guide/excursion leader? Please report ill. Hiding in the loo won’t help anything. Minimum you need fluids and somebody to collect you from destination.
There are, all volunteers though. Also we’re in the middle of the outback and on our way towards home but won’t arrive until tomorrow evening. We do have a stop at a hotel tonight at around 6-7pm, but there’s no way to get there sooner. I could potentially organise a lift from the hotel back home, but might not be able to
They can probably sort you out with some Panadol or Nurofen to help ease the inflammation a little. Probably can get you some plain bread or something at lunch. When you stop for lunch find a spot in the sun and get some fluids into you. I’m sorry you got sick on your adventure.
Not ideal. Still please speak up to whomever. If it’s not motion sickness you need care and semi quarantine. Best! 🍵💊
It’s not just me that’s sick. Nobody else is as a sick as me, but a few people came on the train on Thursday coughing and sneezing, and then over the last couple of days I’ve watched more and more people get sick
Do not begin reading The Stand or World War Z.
Consider some electrolyte drink if you’re vomiting a lot. Gatorade-like. Even a little sugar and salt in water will do most of what you want if you’ve limited supplies.
I got a Powerade and a flavoured (sugarless) water at the general store. Unfortunately it feels like it’s going to happen again soon
Edit: about 30 seconds after posting this it happened again
First morning waking up at 7 instead of 8. Going to bring it down to 6 in a month or two. I normally suck at maintaining a sleep schedule, but this has been working.
All I did was keep my phone out of my bed and set my lamp to turn on a minute before my alarm goes off. I’ve gone from seven alarms that fail to wake me up because I turn them off in my sleep down to one that wakes me.
I think it’s a good thing, having a set schedule, and I like waking up early enough that it’s quiet outside still. So peaceful.
So fucking cold though
Congratulations on maintaining it on a public holiday, and working on your sleep schedule in winter