Whenever people think they know what a specific decade was like that they didn’t live through, they think all the furniture was brand new and just bought from a catalogue. In reality you have a style mix of at least 2+ decades at any point in time.
My house has stuff from like 8 different decades in it right now lol
You maybe should put great great great grandpa in the ground by now, he’s starting to smell.
Nah, they have stuff that’ll be the style in future generations, they’re a trend setter.
“Well uh, I guess you guys aren’t ready for that yet. Heh”
Bring back coffin coffee tables
Don’t call g. g. g. grandpa “stuff”!
You’re pretty much stuck at whatever style was cool when you’re 20-30ish. So your parents are probably stuck at around the time you were born.
Yep. People underestimate how much money you can save by just… not buying new furniture. Thrift shops and hand me downs from elderly family members downsizing make up the overwhelming majority of the furniture in my house.
Do I sometimes wish I could have a different style? Sure. Do I want it bad enough to spend hundreds of dollars on it? No.
The only exceptions is stuff you rest on. Chairs, couches, beds. Don’t skimp on those or your body will hate you even more than usual.
Do I want it bad enough to spend hundreds of dollars on it? No.
You’re off by at least one order of magnitude. I went to a furniture shop recently and shit’s expensive, yo.
Depends on what you want. Massive & quality or cheap plywood and holds until you move it.
This exactly
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Left was definitely the case for most Taco Bells:
I want more Taco Bell pics from the different decades, this is fun
Late 80’s:
Mid 00’s:
Demolition Man:
60s is where it’s at.
They should bring back that little mascot.
Demolition Man was excellent
We only have 8 years to go until Taco Bell has won the franchise wars and all restaurants become Taco Bell!
I don’t think that 80s pic is right. The prices and drink fountain, plus the signage all feels too modern. Maybe the chairs are left over, but I’d like to see a pic from the 80s. I can only find 90s when searching online.
Newer pic, definitely. They just hadn’t updated the interior. Best I could find quickly. Here’s one from 82, but clearly a custom rather than corporate level consistent interior:
Now that looks 80s!
I’m pretty sure the breakfast menu is really recent. This article seems to back me up on that thought
Edit: oh, yeah. Look at the cars on the left side of the 80s pic lol
All I needed to see was the Baja Blast on the menu to know that that picture isn’t from the 80’s. (Others have also mentioned the cars visible which is also a giveaway,
Late-90s, early-2000s McDonald’s was peak.
Dollar menu. Pokemon toys. Some has N64 play areas.
I wish corporate companies would go back to these styles. The bench’s and stools bring back so many memories. T-Bell in my area had plants up on that ledge up top
There was a McDonald’s in a nice part of town that had a big ass fish tank in it too
The first picture is what the mall looked like lol
Pretty spot on for the skate rink in my town, if the carpet was black with neon blobs and squiggles.
The skating rink here was built before I was born. I think it was from the 70s or maybe even the late 60s. The decore was mostly maroon and brown carpeting and wood paneling on the walls. At some point they updated the concession area so it looked more like the restaurant from Saved By The Bell though lol! I think they completely renovated it in the early 2000s and it’s an ice skating rink now
I remember a lot more of those stick-on glow in the dark plastic stars, if nothing else.
Everywhere. Living room, bathrooms, heck even McDonald’s booths. Those little barely glowing stars were all over.
How did those fall out of style
Parents stopped buying them, so kids had to find other ways to mess with the world.
Oh man, you reminded me of LED magnetic throwies, just little homemade LEDs with a watch battery and a magnet. Throw em wherever they’ll stick, they’re like $.50 to make. Seems like the 00s version, if a little less ubiquitous
Another industry millennials killed
And we should have known better
We just wanted to bring a little light into this dark world with pretty glowing stickers, if anyone killed it, it was these damn boomers and their rock and roll music.
Hey, my kids both have them. I put them up as the night sky when they were born, so all the constellations are more or less in the right place.
… My kid frowns upon your heresy.
How dare you take a picture of my grandparents house! Have some respect for the dead.
It is funny how the 80s/90s were portrayed in media. Crazy colors and styles. The reality is everything was brown and was purchased/furnished in the 70s.
Big differences between fashion aesthetic and average Joe’s home decor. There was certainly a bit more subtlety to it than what media boild it down to.
So people think the '90s looked like the '80s, but they actually looked like the early '70s?
People think the 90’s looked like the mall, but really they looked like Meemaw’s house.
And yet somehow in my memory, the mall looked like the mall, and my grandma’s house looked like my grandma’s house.
My recollection of the 90s is that we definitely had more than one place, so different places looked different…kinda like now.
But maybe this is a rose colored glasses situation.
The 90s are to now as the 60s were to the 90s.
Fuck you. 60s are still 30-40 years ago damnit!
Yes grampa I know, now can you eat you pudding cup
I want a go-gurt, damnit!
I love pudding cups! Oh shit, I am olde!
Explains all the retro 90s comebacks
Wood paneling everywhere. Rooms, cars, everywhere.
Where did you get that picture of my childhood dining room?
Are you my brother?
And everything smelled like cigarette smoke.
The one on the right is what my grandma’s dining room still looks like. Exact chairs and all.
The 90s only looked like that on film sets and at rich people’s homes.
this jpeg looks like it’s been making the rounds since the 90s
What people thought: California
What actually: Ohio
Why was that dinning room table fucking everywhere back in the day!!! That looks like my grandma’s house in the 90s. Wth.