I did feel like they went a bit light on the racism in Skyrim, too. In Morrowind, you’d get called the N-word multiple times a day.
“Look, supporting a Nord ethnostate does not make me racist. I’m just proud of my heritage and want all the inferior races to leave Skyrim.”
Wow, I didn’t know they added podcasts to Skyrim too!
“You’re listening to Nord Talk with Thornaff Skullcrusher, but first a message from our partners at Raid: Shadow Legends…”
Would make sense for the game though
Well, better than the other kind of racism I see modders indulging in.
Unless this mod adds the N word, t’s really not. There’s a lot of racism in the elders scrolls universes that is there for worldbuilding as opposed to thinly-veiled stereotypes of real races like in Harry Potter*. Pretty much every race has issues with the others just like they would in the real life equivalent of the time period.
It’s not at all the same as other mods which add real world bigotry into the game
*One could argue that Khajiits are analogous to the Romani people but it’s a stretch
This is a rule. If you can think of it, a mod for it in Skyrim exists
Almost 14k people triggered…Edit: As OP said, it’s downloads, no downvotes
I don’t use mods much, so I’m purely guessing, but could that be the downloads?
Yep. Downloads, the thumbs up is endorsements so basically one is how many people recommend it and the other is how many accounts have downloaded it.
Ah, you may indeed be right.