I’m personally not watching it (you could call me a bit of a disco “hater” and s4 really kinda bummed me out) … but thought I’d see how people are enjoying it and think about getting a paramount subscription.

Asked some friends and they said they’d stopped watching. Then I checked here and the other community and posts about the episodes just seem to be tepid compared to what I would have expected.

Now obviously I’ve got a bias (and I really don’t want to start kicking the show) … but am I reading this right or wrong?

  • Stamets@lemmy.worldM
    5 months ago

    I am a die hard fan of Discovery and am fiercely defensive of it.

    But the first episode of Season 5 was so atrociously awful that it killed all my excitement for the season and I haven’t had the energy or strength to start the next episode, despite the fact 4 episodes are already out.

    I go out of my way to defend the show and love it. I mean my account name is taken from one of the characters of the show. All my ship models are from Discovery. My calendar is a Discovery calendar. I have a DSC Starfleet Badge. Like I FUCKING LOVE Discovery but the first episode had some of the worst writing I’ve seen from any Star Trek ever. I can’t think of a single other episode in any of Star Trek that was as idiotic as this one was. The writers had no fucking clue what they were doing and the episode is egregiously bad. Half of the episode involves ‘Rise of Skywalker’ type shenanigans where the characters blindly luck into the next thing or just happen to have the thing they need because the universe is catering to them. Let me demonstrate an example from the first couple of minutes of the episode. This does spoil the first 5 minutes but doesn’t spoil anything plot relevant that wasn’t mentioned in trailers or whatever.

    The Discovery is a rapid response vessel that can show up anywhere at a moments notice. This was what it was literally designed for. To be able to appear behind enemy lines as a surprise tactic. Burnham has to go get something from a ship and they know other people are after it. So what do they do? Jump in on top of the ship without readying up or doing fucking anything which means they’re caught with their pants down. They scan the vessel and see two people onboard who then vanish so they spend 3+ minutes getting ready (their suits can literally materialize on them now) and get onboard the other vessel. They know the enemy can vanish from sensors and theorized that they can probably personally cloak. So when they land, one of the away team notes that they were here recently because water vapor is still in the air and they can follow it. So they do. They then proceed to visually clear the ship. They also never mention the water vapor again. So, fucking obviously, they are jumped by someone who is cloaked and shot at from behind.

    The whole episode is littered with writing that idiotic. They will give a thing and then not pay it off or they will just use a random thing out of fucking nowhere. Like a character having information that they categorically should not have as previous seasons had made it abundantly clear that the character would not have this information. Yet they do anyway, breaking their own rules of the show. Not to mention that the writing of the episode also undoes 4 seasons worth of character development for multiple characters, sending them back to Season 1 behavior with no explanation, and frames them as genuinely bad people who are putting themselves before the mission. Like


    One character genuinely threatening their superior officer to let terrorists get away unless they’re given information they have no right or claim to in any manner

    In short, it fucking sucks so bad that it sent me into a spiral of depression because if my favorite show starts off their final season this awful how the hell is it going to possibly continue?

    • maegul (he/they)OP
      5 months ago

      I feel you. I wasn’t ever as big a fan as you, but had a depressing moment somewhere in the middle of Picard S2 right after disco s4 (which I didn’t enjoy) where I realised that I just didn’t like new-Trek and had been doing my best to enjoy it as a fan not realising the work I was putting in. It all slipped away and I was just depressed for a bit. It’s the reason I haven’t started disco season 5 (while I was watching the other seasons live).

      Thanks for sharing and hope you’re ok.

    • JWBananas@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      And what about that part with the warp trail shenanigans? There were 20 different trails, so they don’t know which way they really went? Why not just do 20 jumps and find out? Didn’t they do like 100 in short succession in season 1?

      Hang in there though! The rest of them are good!

      • Stamets@lemmy.worldM
        5 months ago

        Why not just do 20 jumps and find out? Didn’t they do like 100 in short succession in season 1?

        They had trails but not end points. They knew the direction of travel but not where they would stop. With speed variances and cloaking shit that would have been a no go. Book was needed for that end point. A point he should not have known but that’s a completely different complaint.

        I saw the second episode which was better. 2 out of 10. This season is testing my fucking patience though and I don’t see Burnham as anything other than a shitty person now. Everything that comes out her mouth annoys me and feels unearned, undeserved, and outright insulting. Like when she starts talking down to someone for behavior she’s guilty of in that same episode I want to just start beating the shit out of Sarek for proving that you cannot raise a human under Vulcan ways and have them end up as anything other than a monumental cunt.