The concrete blocks are slowly hoisted upwards by motors powered with electricity from the Swiss power grid. As each block descends, the motors that lift the blocks start spinning in reverse, generating electricity that courses through the thick cables running down the side of the crane and onto the power grid. In the 30 seconds during which the blocks are descending, each one generates about one megawatt of electricity: enough to power roughly 1,000 homes.

  • Helix 🧬
    3 years ago

    You don’t need to build a tower to store water. You can also build a reservoir by simply digging a hole.

    • Zerush
      3 years ago

      No, to create a pressure a hole does not work, a pumping station uses the excess energy produced by the wind generators or photovoltaic cells to pump the water to a high tank, where, when emptying it, enough pressure is created to put in Turbines are running that generate energy to make up for what is lacking in wind or solar production. The same as the hydroelectric productions with dams. Without difference in height there is no flow or water pressure, first of physics. See the watertowers which give the water to the houses, al they are the highest poit in a village. Pumping stations are working exactly the same way, with the difference that instead of houses there are generators and that the deposit must be some bigger.