Excerpt from article:

“We all play a role in keeping our roads safe and Crime Stoppers Victoria is offering vulnerable pedestrians the tools they need to use our roads safely,” she [Crime Stoppers Victoria Chief Executive Stella Smith] said.

“We have seen 175 pedestrians killed on our roads over the last five years, and a significant number of those have been in 60 km/h zones.

“We hope with more education and awareness we can reduce the number of injuries and most importantly, deaths on our roads.”

As part of the campaign, Crime Stoppers Victoria will hit the streets to actively engage with high-risk pedestrians to educate them on how they can help keep our roads incident-free.

I guess that means police will be out in force handing out fines to pedestrians and cyclists. “Job done!”

Archived: https://archive.md/UOcHu

  • Roadkill 🇦🇺 @lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    The education should be "everyone and everything on the road is trying to kill you. I think jaywalking rules may be an american thing. But simply Cars are more noticeable visibly and audibly, pedestrians can stop and change direction orders of magnitude faster than cars. Do I think built up urban areas should discourage car use? Yes