• riccardoOPM
    3 years ago

    They missed the opportunity to introduce spoilers for pictures too :(

    Anyway, a few notes about translations:

    • language detection is done locally using google’s language ID kit, when an user taps on a message (language detection and the “translate” option are disabled by default and the user needs to enable the feature from the language settings)
    • when an user uses the “translate” option, Telegram sends a request containing the target language and the text to translate from your device to an undocumented Google Translate endpoint (the one the Translate app uses) with a desktop user-agent, and then shows the result. I wonder what Google thinks about this weird implementation, since their translation APIs (those developers are supposed to use) are paid…

    And anyway, I hope there will be an option in the future to disable the reactions animation. And also more emojis (namely: 👀 )

    • airikr
      3 years ago

      So Telegram now uses Google Translate? No wonder it can detect typos, yet be able to translate correctly.

      I totally agree with you regarding the animations for reactions. But I hope that they add a setting where you can choose your own reactions (max 5 or 10). That would be awesome!