Researchers from the University of California, Davis, and an international team of scientists used the genome-editing tool CRISPR-Cas to create disease resistant rice plants, according to a new study published in the journal Nature June 14.
As a grad student, if it’s not a research paper I tend to ask for the paper they sourced for the info. But look over the very brief synopsis I gave below to see why it’s logical to conclude the organ/human body-on-a-chip could surpass CRISPR. The paper’s straight up mind blowing cover to cover. While CRISPR envokes ethical dilemmas, the chip tech solves many while also providing breakthrough research and treatment options!
As a grad student, if it’s not a research paper I tend to ask for the paper they sourced for the info. But look over the very brief synopsis I gave below to see why it’s logical to conclude the organ/human body-on-a-chip could surpass CRISPR. The paper’s straight up mind blowing cover to cover. While CRISPR envokes ethical dilemmas, the chip tech solves many while also providing breakthrough research and treatment options!