The pranksters claimed ‘mainstream media in the UK wouldn’t touch the story’ to get Mr Carlson’s attention
This article is somewhat disjointed, but still a fun idea.
That’s OK. He was fooled by a dictator because the subway is clean
also, groceries. GROCERIES!
And coin controlled grocery carts!
And let’s not forget the B R E A D
It’s not 12 days old and moldy like in those American trolley-free supermarkets!
You joke, but this was possibly a surprisingly smart callback to the fall of the USSR when Boris Yeltsin visited American grocery stores in 1989. Unlike Yeltsin, though, The World’s Oldest Boy-Idiot didn’t bother visiting more stores for even the mildest investigative reasons.
For a guy who is always “just asking questions,” Fucker Charlatan has absolutely zero curiosity. If this professionally competitive shit-eater ever said anything of substance, I’d be worried that his shocked and angered discovery of - checks notes - cheap groceries in an invading country could actually mean something to anyone other than the dumbest 13% of his base.
Im sure he furrowed his brow and looked on with false consternation
Is that why he’s so full of shit? He’s got chronic consternation. Should probably eat more fiber
The “I invite you to punch me” face
Dang, how can I RSVP for that party?
The part that most amused me was that those gorgeous subways were built by the Soviets.
Or how flabbergasted he was that you could get a cart of groceries for $100.
Like he’s shopped for himself in two decades, lol
“Was I, Tucker Carlson, taken in by a prank or did I know it was a prank? Would you know a prank if it was played on you? Do they want you to know? Is this America now? A place where even I can be pranked? What will you do if they prank you?”
I’m mad at you now for making me hear his voice in my head.
Or hear it in Seth Meyer’s voice
Imagine Jon Stewart ripping his straw man apart with snappy witticisms.
I’m glad the pranksters realized when it would be going too far and pulled back. Making a mockery of a fool is one thing, but hugely contributing to disinformation fervor is another.
It seems like Tucker Carlson’s fight to remain relevant is blowing up in his face over and over again. It’s pretty great.
In related news, deplatforming fascists is effective and we should do so more frequently.
“Idiot tricked” wow what news
also included a clause in which the royals reserved the right to “amputate one limb of their choosing” if Mr Manners failed a probationary period
Guess they can’t read either.
Should have set up a real looking website, mention it over and over, and wait until airing. Then as soon as it hits, swap the site to troll.