Air Bud Lite
Then why is he buying Miller Lite.
Is there a signature? Because otherwise it’s totally fake
Of cause! Without a date, the dog could be 22 by now, or even 23 from all we know!!
Can a business transact with an animal?
If a crow puts a toonie in a vending machine, and manages to buy chips does it legally own the chips? Or can an agent of the business that runs the vending machine confiscate them and keep the money?
I now have a great desire to find and train crows to buy stuff from vending machines to challenge the law with whatever nonsense they’ll come at the crows with.
Hey always be selling, it doesn’t matter who they are if they got the money and want to buy.
Laughs in European canine (our doggos only need to be 18)
Works out the same in dog years 😂
An online calculator (idk the formula they use they’re all rather silly) says that on a golden retriever, 18 would be 131 in dog years (and it doesn’t even do 21, saying the inputted value for the dog’s age must be between 1-20 years) and 21 would be ~150 (20 is 145).
I meant the other way around. A two year old dog is “14” and a three year old dog is “21” if you go by 1 human year=7 dog years formula. Definitely silly though
That’s a whole 5 months of chasing removed though. That’s long.
I wish I had a dog that made it to 21. :(
Ron Swanson’s dog