Slovensko nevyšle našich vojakov na územie Ukrajiny, vyhlásil Robert Fico po rokovaní vlády pred pondelkovým samitom predstaviteľov EÚ a ďalších krajín NATO v Paríži. Slovensko...
Can we just skip ahead and admit that we’re having an Intercontinental war with Russia? The language being used to avoid saying this is indeed WW3 is insane.
I can relate to and understand the rhetoric, but I hesitate to call this a world war 3, because I feel things have to escalate way beyond this for it to be WW3.
Can we just skip ahead and admit that we’re having an Intercontinental war with Russia? The language being used to avoid saying this is indeed WW3 is insane.
I can relate to and understand the rhetoric, but I hesitate to call this a world war 3, because I feel things have to escalate way beyond this for it to be WW3.
Oh yeah, of course. But I like to say scary things to get peoples attention.