"Mr. mime mr. mime mr. mime,” Mr. Mime said with tears in his eyes. “Mr. mime. Mr. mime mr. mime mr. mime.”
This is so sad
On the plus side, Mr. Mime will be able to spend more time with Ash’s mom.
Professor Oak in shambles
Dear Game Freak,
There are too many Pokemon. Please eliminate 800. I am not a crackpot.
You joke, but this is exactly what they did with pokemon sword and shield
Unfortunately Pokéunions haven’t taken off, this never would’ve happened if the ‘mons had representation.
Pokémon is in a weird spot in my eyes.
They have like 1000 Pokémon that I do not care about at all.
But some people feel that way about a different set of 1000.
They have too many Pokémon and I think there are some that we can all agree are just garbage. Looking at you, garbador.
I love the original 151 as it’s what I grew up with, but I honestly think they should consider doing a hard reset and relaunching the series with significant changes to mechanics and wipe the slate.
Garbador has fans. Check Bogleech and the comments on his article for Trubbish and Garbador
Burmy, the original rubbish Pokémon.
Every pokemon is someone’s favorite. Even the one that’s literal garbage.
I’m sure with some re-training they’ll be able to acquire new skills in emerging markets that’ll offer a competitive salary and opportunities for advancement.
Palworld may have some openings
mr mime no!
What’s Senior Mimic doing in the Palworld zone!
Aww, poor little things. :(
Well, if they’re laying off 300 pokemon, I hope that doesn’t hurt our changes of having a Let’s Go Jynx and Let’s Go Porygon game release in the next decade.