In a story out of Springfield Elementary School in Des Moines, IA, 9-year-old Max Hannagan, who was suspended for verbally harassing his fellow third graders, has now claimed he was just “pushing boundaries” with his comedy.
“Did I caw Jimmy a loser? Yes,” Max told reporters while rocking ba
I knew this was fake the moment it said the bully was actually suspended.
A bully doxxed my daughter and they were given group counseling sessions where they were made to apologize to each other (my daughter dared to get angry at her for the doxxing).
We are so fortunate to be able to live on a single income so I could take my daughter out of that hell and put her in online school.
She was so bullied. By so many kids. The administration didn’t do a thing no matter how much we begged and pleaded.
Kids nowadays are so violent. Literally last year when i was still in high school, all the freshman and sophomore were getting into fist fights over the dumbest stuff, like one kid stole another’s frozen yogurt.
I didn’t have that experience when I was in in high school, but in middle school the children were absolute fucking menaces, I mean complete scum of the Earth behaviour. Actual 11-13 year olds assaulting, harassing, and driving other kids to suicide attempts with absolutely 0 remorse. Although in high school people did get into fights for stupid reasons, but in general people were at least mature somewhat.